I have recently become the new designer for Reality Magazine and I am seeing that some of the states are wildly misrepresented when it comes to productions. Since the web and mag are reality TV related, I’m trying to find anyone who is working on Reality tv shows and give them as much free advertising and forum space to get their show out as possible. That being said, If you are in any stage of a reality TV show production we would love to hear about it get behind the scene interviews and photos as well as full length articles about what your doing. Please let me know if you have anything in the pipeline that we can share. www.realitymagazines.com
Hey Richard! I'm writing a book for Focal Press on the Film and TV Markets (and the convergence of both w/reality) AND ;-) I'm also helping NATPE with their PRO Pitch event (https://www.natpe.com/page/propitch). I have a special discount code that might be a really great opportunity for your readers to pitch their shows. Feel free to share this "Friends of NATPE" discount code: N15Friend. It's the cheapest possible price out there. Love to chat or help with your magazine in any way. ;-)