Anything Goes : How do, I get started, producing? by Allen Wayne Ray Jr.

Allen Wayne Ray Jr.

How do, I get started, producing?

What is, producing? What can be, done? I know writing a film, is a part of production, but what else, is a part of production, that I am overlooking? How can I, get started? What else, is there, that I can do, to help produce, Idlewild 2?

Richard "RB" Botto

There are many elements to producing a film, Allen. Depending on the size of the project, a producer can wear a few or many hats. Some elements that go into producing include finding securing funding and talent, being responsible for all aspects of the film's progress during pre-production, production and post, and, broadly, keeping everyone happy and on the tracks, so to speak.

Simon © Simon

I read books. I know old school ehh... There is a lot of information in them. Plus you improve your vocabulary. However do not use it in public. No one likes a know it all. (wink) There is a book titled: What A Producer Does by Houghton. He worked with Rod Serling on Twilight Zone. Great Read full of that information I mentioned.

Lina Jones

Financing is a major part all the ideas in the world mean nothing if you don't have the funds to back it up! #Goodluck your in the right place to get some good advice.

Allen Wayne Ray Jr.

Thanks everyone, for the advice. I really like Richard Botto's blog & Simon Simon, because, I read daily, thanks guys. Allen Wayne Ray Jr.

Doug Nelson

Just go do it.

Simon © Simon

Good Allen, reading is the best. Check out the book I gave the title and author to. Great Read and easy too.

John O'Hara

Producing is just another term for Business Administration of a creative art with emphasis on Administration. So finance, legal, accounting, hiring, scheduling, liability, insurance, etc. are a big part of the job. So a background or training in Business Administration is crucial to success. If you are good at writing or a technical skill and this is not your thing then consider finding someone who can do the job.

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