Stage 32 Meetups : Creative partnerships by Joseph M. Armillas

Joseph M. Armillas

Creative partnerships

Hi fellow Stage 32 members! Would love to start a creative partnership group here in Los Angeles/Southern California with individuals looking to connect with like-minded creatives regarding film/video projects. Personally, I'm trying to build up a producer/director's reel and would not mind volunteering in other people's projects as an assistant producer, camera operator, actor. The group could meet on a regular basis and act as a cooperative venture helping those who are looking for help with their individual projects. Let em hear from you out there!

Keaton Larson

Instead of volunteering, what about directing a film from someone else's script cause lets say hypothetically the person who wrote the script doesn't have the cast or crew or directing capabilities to do it himself

Joseph M. Armillas

I'm willing to direct and help put a production together, but of course, I'd have to read the script, see about overall length of the film, budget, stylistic direction etc. If it's something that I feel has potential, I'd be interested. Get back to me with particulars and I'll let you know what I think. Also, are you in the LA Area?

Joseph M. Armillas

Jynnette, I checked out your blogs and your plot line and psychological content are interesting and could make a potential great action movie. I don't know exactly what you want my involvement to be, but I'd be willing to discuss it. Let me know if you feel I fit into your plans after you check out the trailer to my film Zebra9 Also if you want to see something different, see the last project I recently worked on. I wrote, produced and directed a music video for my friend Mick E. Jones titled "Sale A Bit Nation"

Joseph M. Armillas

I posted the notice about 18 hours ago, so you and Keaton Larson are the only two people to respond so far. I suppose it'll take a few days before enough people who are interested reply to my notice. Keep an eye on this. Once I have about 5 or 6 individuals truly interested, I'll try to arrange a face to face with everyone and see what we all come up with. Thanks for replying!

Keaton Larson

I live in the OC area and my script is a short film, its only six pages, it's kinda strange, I'm not going to lie but i can send it to you if you'd like. It's a psychological thriller which i don't know if thats what you are in to.

Joseph M. Armillas

Like I said before Keaton, if it's something that I feel has potential, I might be interested. You can send the script to me @ But before you do, please make sure your screenplay is registered. The fastest and easiest way is to go online to: (Writers Guild of America West) and register your screenplay. I believe it costs $25.00 for non-members for each screenplay. Once you fill the form and pay via credit card, your screenplay is instantly copyright protected for 10 years. The cheapest way is to mail yourself your script in a self addressed envelope in a registered letter. The most common and preferred legal way is to register with the US Library of Congress (, which you can also do online. I believe the fee for registering that way is $ 69.00 and that copyright is for life. I look forward to reading your screen play. Always protect your ideas before submitting to any individual or organization. As soon as I read your screenplay I'll get back to you with my opinion.

Tony Cella

Consider taking a look at screenwriters' profiles and reading their loglines. If they've posted scripts, they're interested in having them produced.

Joseph M. Armillas

Thanks Tony! being new in Stage 32 I hadn't realized about screenwriters posting their scripts as being open to production. By the way, your log line/s look great. If you're looking for collaboration I'm open. I like comedy as much as drama and SciFi.

Joseph M. Armillas

Keaton, after hearing from Tony Cella I went to your page and read your log line. It sounds intriguing with great potential for a smart, fast paced 5 or 6 minute short film.

Tony Cella

Thank you. Let me know which script you're interested in and we'll take it from there.

Joseph M. Armillas

The Other Guy screenplay seems interesting and it sounds like something that can be produced for a reasonable budget.

J. Palmer

Sounds very interesting. You can count me in if you'd like.

Joseph M. Armillas

J. Palmer, What kind of input/contribution are you interested in bringing into the group?

J. Palmer

I am looking to produce/ assist in producing as well as contribute vfx and graphic design work if needed.

Joseph M. Armillas

Sounds great J. ! Hopefully we'll have enough people in a few days to actually start a cooperative group.

Raven Krogstad

I am in LA as well (Van Nuys specifically). Direct, Act, Write, Sing, Set Design, Props... etc..... I have too many ideas to do in my lifetime.

Joseph M. Armillas

Likewise Raven! The creative mind is always racing ahead of our ability to manifest projects in time and space. Soon I will ask all of you to meet somewhere to talk and exchange ideas. I'm thinking February.

Steven Bray

Thanks, Joseph, for getting the ball rolling. As our business is all about collaboration, it's the perfect idea. Count me in as an actor.

Marc Turner

I was just wrote the same thing on another post. I'm looking for work as an editor and I have an editing suite. I'm also a director, writer, cameraman and I've done lighting too. Let me know if you get enough people together.

Joseph M. Armillas

Will do Marc. Thanks for contributing to the conversation.

Itle Nganta Dogmo

Hello there! I am studying in South OC and would be interested in joining such a group. I have relevant experience as an indie producer of music videos (in France and in the US) but any visual/entertainment production in general is what I live for. However I'm leaving for China at the end of Feb and won't be back until September. But I'd really like to be kept in the loop! Thank you so much :-)

Joseph M. Armillas

Will do Nganta. Thanks for contacting me!

Katie Keenan

Hi! I will be new to the LA area in March and am looking for ways to meet and work with people once I get there and this seems like a great opportunity! I am an actress, writer, and comedienne.

Joseph M. Armillas

Thanks Katie. I'll be contacting everyone next week.

Chris Sparks

I love the idea of this. Count me in as an actor as well. I'd also be willing to help out on set also. You can check out my reel at

Joseph M. Armillas

Sure thing Chris. I'll check out your reel.

Joseph M. Armillas

Will do Jaques. Thanks for contributing!

Joseph M. Armillas

I would like to organize a meeting with all of you somewhere in LA. in the first two weeks of March. Please contact me @ with your availability and ideas as to where we should meet. Thank you all!

Julian Flynn

Please count me in guys, I'm an actor in the area and am willing to help in anyway I can. I will send Joseph a follow up message.

Steven Dones

Hi all, I am an aspiring actor and writer. I would love to be a part of this group. I am up to helping on the set and brainstorming on projects. I am working on projects that I hope to have something soon to show all of you. For now it would be nice just to sit and listen to see what I can learn. Count me in for a meet up.

Joseph M. Armillas

Thank you Juilian. We'll connect via email.

Joseph M. Armillas

Also, Thank you Steven as well. Looking forward to meeting all of you.

Tony Cella

My schedule is open in the evenings, aside from Mondays. I look forward to meeting everyone.

Joseph M. Armillas

Hello everyone. I'm posting this here to make a general announcement regarding the first meeting of the group. But after this, please, reply through my email, would like to have our first meeting next week if possible, hoping that everyone's schedules will coincide. The possible dates are, Monday 23rd, Tuesday 24th & Wednesday 25th. The meeting will probably be in Hollywood between the hours of 6Pm and 10Pm. For this first meetup I will probably be using a friend of mine's apartment that is big enough to accommodate up to 10 persons. I'm also willing to provide food and drinks if everyone is willing to donate around $5.00 per person to contribute to the cause. Your donation however, is not mandatory. Please feel free to bring in any videos, treatments and or proposals for projects that you would like the group to consider taking on. I will also email those who have already contacted me through the above mentioned email address.

Marc Turner

I'm availabel during the week.

Joseph M. Armillas

Thanks Mark! Sounds like you'll be one of the attendees. Next time, please reply through my email address,

Joseph M. Armillas

No problem Georgina. Please communicate with me through We'll be meeting next week between Monday and Wednesday.

Sandrene Mathews

I live in Nashville but visit LA a few times a year. I'd love to join you guys when I'm in town, if you'll have me.

Joseph M. Armillas

Hi everyone. I've emailed those who communicated with me through my email regarding our first meeting but I haven't heard from any of them yet. The tentative dates are this coming Monday 23rd, Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th. If you want to attend, please let me know which day is good for you @ .

Tony Cella

Hey Joe. I sent an email to the account and haven't received a response. The three days work well for me.

Joseph M. Armillas

Hello everyone. We will be meeting this coming Monday, February 23rd @ 7Pm at: Di Vita's Italian Restaurant 11916 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025 (310) 478-0286. DiVita's is located on Wilshire Blvd. 2 blocks East of Bundy and 1 mile from the Wilshire Boulevard West exit on the 405. I will provide for some food and drinks. Please Respond whether or not you'll be coming. I'd appreciate it. My phone # is 310-430-3656 Feel free to bring any scripts, treatments, project ideas and or suggestions with you. Also, make sure that your stuff is copyrighted or registered with the Writer's Guild before bringing it up with the rest of us. Looking forward to meeting all of you, Joseph M. Armillas

Steven Bray

I am not free this Monday, but hope to be able to join you at the next meeting. Have a great start and thank you, Joseph, for putting the event together.

Tony Cella

Turns out I won't be able to attend this one. I hope to see everyone next time.

Joseph M. Armillas

Hello group members! We had our first meeting this past Monday the 23rd at DiVita's Pizzeria in West LA. and it was a success! Lots of great ideas and positive energy. We're already working on several new group projects and will probably be producing and shooting some new stuff soon. In attendance were: Chris Sparks, Georgina Okon, Julian Flynn, Steven Dones and myself. Our next meeting will be next Monday March 2nd at my place which is just around the corner from Divita's. If you're interested in attending, please RSVP me ASAP by replying @ will email you my address and directions. Hoping to see you all soon, Joseph M. Armillas Aramar Entertainment Films

Eliza Agudelo

Hi Joseph. Just came across the meetup lounge, didnt know we had one. If you are still accepting people to join you in Los Angeles area, would love to be part of the group. Let me know. Thanks

Joseph M. Armillas

Absolutely Eliza. Would love to have you come to our next meeting this Monday the 2nd at my place. I will email you my address and time. I want to have a balanced group with equal number of males and females.

Sandrene Mathews

I saw this too late :( Hopefully you have another meeting before I leave town!

Joseph M. Armillas

Sandrene, we're meeting next Monday 03-16 at my place. Please email me @ for time, address and directions.

Joseph M. Armillas

Hello Jaques. Sorry you're having problems. Here's my email address . If you're sending it from your email you need not add the www.

Shahzel Syed

If i had been there I would love to venture in for an action movie.

Shahzel Syed

our production house website

Joseph M. Armillas

Hi Syed: Thanks for joining in, but we're not quite ready to tackle an action movie just yet! At the moment we're helping each other develop small projects like actor's reels, screenplay ideas, stuff like that. If you'd like to join us, our next meeting will probably be on the 30th of this month. Contact me @

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