Hi Everyone! I am a producer, writer, publicist and entertainment industry career coach. Please connect with me here and on all social media and let me know in what ways I may be able to help you. I LOVE meeting new people!!! I was an attorney, a fundraiser and a journalist (book reviewer for the Los Angeles Times, news editor of the Hollywood Reporter, columnist for Backstage)...but don't hold that against me!
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Hi John. Welcome to Stage32. I'm sure many people could use your help in some way on here!
Your energy is contagious, John!
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Hello John, sounds like you have been busy.
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Hi John! Welcome my friend:) Oh I have questions for you mister ;)
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Check out my introduce yourself - you are exactly someone I feel like I need to know! :) my website is katiekeenan.net - I would love any and all advice you have!
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Katie: Happy to help you! Let's chat sometime! How do I reach you best?
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Jeanne: Happy to answer your questions!
Hi John, I"d love to connect with you regarding several projects I'm developing as a writer. Would love to chat about movies in general!
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David: Happy to help you if I can---but I cannot discuss or consider any unsolicited material and can generally only find funds for projects with several A-listers already attached!
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Your blog is very informative. Thanks for sharing and keep it up like this.
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