Stage 32 Meetups : LOS ANGELES/HOLLYWOOD Meet Up/Event SUNDAY February 15 by Mandy Goldstein

Mandy Goldstein


Los Angeles Meet-Up on Sunday February 15 / 5:00 PM Screening followed by Meet-Up/Networking Mixer COME SEE WHAT OUR STAGE 32 MEMBERS CAN DO WITH A LITTLE HEART AND DETERMINATION - WHILE NETWORKING WITH EACH OTHER. ____________________ ARENA CINEMA HOLLYWOOD - SCREENING START TIME 5:00 PM 1625 N. Las Palmas Blvd Hollywood 90028 _____________________ ***BRING HEADSHOT, RESUME, PERSONAL MATERIAL for instant submission for feature film headed to Louisiana. We are pleased to announce the Sunday, February 15th, Stage 32 Meet-up/ Mixer for Los Angeles. The Meet-Up will be PRECEEDED by a screening and Q&A for the thriller film CUT!, which was made by over THIRTY Stage 32 members. ALSO JOINING THE Q&A will be Stage 32 Founder Richard “RB” Botto. Although much more of a smart psychological thriller, CUT! was voted as one of the TOP 5 Horror Films of 2014. ____________________ The Sunday Q&A will be hosted by Syrus Yarborough - from THE REAL WORLD - BOSTON ____________________ RSVP Right Away via the comment section below! ****Movie tickets for this event will be at a discounted rate of only $10 for all Stage 32 members. To guarantee a spot, you should get your ticket online (use promo code: STAGE32), however, you may be able to purchase at the door provided they are still available. TICKET UPDATE INFO: TICKETS FOR SCREENING ARE SELLING FAST! ALREADY 1 SHOW SOLD OUT. Get your $10 discounted ticket online at: use promo code: STAGE32 _________________ CUT! , directed by David Rountree, who was recently named by The Hollywood Reporter as one of the Top 10 Hollywood Directors under 40, welcomes everyone to bring an acting headshot/resume or crew resume to the Q&A. Rountree is set to direct 3 projects over the next 3 years, including Garrett Manor this March in Louisiana and the $25 million dollar fantasy film Evangeline, which is the first of 3 films in a new book series out of Norway. _________________ CUT! opens in theaters and VOD everywhere this month. Official Trailer via Dread Central: ________________ MEET-UP Details: Sunday February 15 5:00 – CUT! Screening followed by Stage 32 Filmmaker Q&A at the Arena Cinema FOLLOWING THE MOVIE- Meet-Up/Mixer at Pig ‘n Whistle _________________ Stage 32 Q&A Panelist David Rountree – Writer/Director David Banks – Writer/Lead Actor Chriss Horgan – Sound Design Matt Chassin - Marketing and PR Richard “RB” Botto – Stage 32 Founder _________________ FILM DETAILS CUT!, a twisted, psychological thriller, which won BEST FILM, BEST DIRECTOR (David Rountree), BEST LEADING ACTOR (David Banks), and the AWARD of MERIT for AUDIO (Solange S. Schwalbe and Chriss Horgan) at the 2014 Independent Film and Television Festival was named by Movie Rankings as one of the TOP 5 HORROR MOVIES of 2014. In CUT!, the apparent is never the truth as an ex-con and aspirant filmmaker set out to manufacture a film by scaring people for real; however, when it goes too far and someone actually dies, the pair decide that killing for real on film is the only way to make a truly terrifying movie. _________________ “CUT! has all the makings of an instant classic.” 
James Wood - _________________ Arena Cinema Hollywood 1625 N. Las Palmas Ave Hollywood, 90028 ___________________ Pig ’n Whistle (short walk from the theater) 6714 Hollywood Blvd Los Angeles 90028

David Rountree

Very excited to see everyone. Please bring headshot/resume for consideration for upcoming film headed to Louisiana this March.

Matt Chassin

I will be discussing the importance of marketing/pr for filmmakers. Filmamakers, come armed with your marketing/pr questions. thrilled to be part of this amazing group. It will be a blast for sure!

Christina Horgan

I am a huge fan and wouldn't miss it!! This amazing little film has SO many stories behind it. I urge all Stage 32er's in the L.A. area to come join us and take advantage of this event!

Brian K. Millard

I would like to RSVP for this event. I had a great time at the 108 Stitches Premiere and I look forward to seeing you all again! Will definitely have both my headshot and my crew resume with me this time. Trailer looks awesome!

Mandy Goldstein

Great! Jacob and Brian - you guys are on the list. Brian, glad you had a good time at 108, this one should be terrific too!

Marc Everett

If you ever get the chance to work with Rountree, he is great. I've worked with him through 2 feature films. Great, honest, generous, and humble. Good stuff!

Kaye Kittrell

I'll be there! Can't wait to meet David in person. I've heard such great stuff from Chriss! And want to see the film!

Steve Lareau

Do you have to buy the tickets in advance or can you buy them at the door?

Bruce Alan Greene

RSVP I'd like to attend!

Mandy Goldstein

Tickets will be available at the door, but the venue only seats about 100.

Mandy Goldstein

Hi Everyone, Just an FYI for the Los Angeles SUNDAY meet-up: ****Movie tickets for this event will be at a discounted rate of only $10 for all Stage 32 members. To guarantee a spot, you should get your ticket online (use promo code: STAGE32), however, you may be able to purchase at the door provided they are still available. We are now suggesting to get them online because they seem to be going very fast at the box office. TICKET UPDATE INFO: TICKETS FOR SCREENING ARE SELLING FAST! ALREADY 1 SHOW SOLD OUT. Get your $10 discounted ticket online at: use promo code: STAGE32

Jon Ray

Ticket procured. RSVPing for this event as I'll be there with headshot and resume in hand. Looking forward to seeing this film!

Mandy Goldstein

SPECIAL MIXER UPDATE - we are moving the mixer to just after the movie screening on Sunday. The movie begins at 5 and the mixer will be immediately following. Best, Mandy

Kaye Kittrell

Thanks Chriss! Got mine!

David Rountree

Very excited. About half of the tickets are already sold. Looking forward to seeing everyone.

Andrew Oliveri

I'll be there.

Mandy Goldstein


Ron Mendola

I am going!

Jimmy Flint Smith

I'll be there! Count on it

Kirk Ryde

I will be there. Enjoyed 108 Stitches and looking forward to CUT!

Taylor J Martin

I look forward to coming out!

Mandy Goldstein

EXCITED FOR SUNDAY! CUT! Getting Very Positive Reviews: The Independent Horror/Thriller genre is full of films that, let’s be honest, are subpar at best. There are the good, the so-so, and the just plain unwatchable. This is where Psycho Rock Productions' Cut! rises above the rest. The film recently won Best Director, Best Film, Best Actor, and Award of Merit for Audio at the 2014 Independent Film & Television Festival. The script, written by David Rountree and David Banks, is full of genuine twists that truly surprised me in a way that reminded me of the first time I watched The Usual Suspects. Every scene builds upon the other and when you get to the final frame it feels entirely earned. It keeps you engrossed as you watch the filmmakers slip further and further into depravity. And when you get to the whopper of an ending, you’ll want to go back and watch the film again to pick up on the subtle clues peppered throughout the film. _______________________ So many shocking moments in Cut! are done to make you question what is real and what is fake: They are making a movie…or are they? Are these actors or murderers? Do prostitutes deserve what they get? Who is the real bad guy? Can I sit through this movie again without feeling like a creepy voyeur myself? Will my nightmares ever go away? Cut! is definitely worth a watch and re-watch. Horror fans will be pleased with the experience. It is a suspenseful adrenaline rush _______________________ Twisted tale and most of all a horror induced thrill ride. Concept of a thriller/mystery yet mixed as a dark deep horror. CUT! was an amazing adrenaline thriller of a watch. It kept me on the edge of my seat until the very end. It's a deep and very psychological trip into the inner recesses of the dark mind and twisted soul of humanity. This is one of those films that make you think and gives you an experience of a tight unrelenting horror thriller that never lets up and only lingers long after it’s over Truly a film that stands out above and beyond so many films coming out.

Mandy Goldstein

The Sunday Q&A will be hosted by Syrus Yarborough - from THE REAL WORLD - BOSTON

Jennifer Lynn Warren


Daniel Hadaway

I just watched the trailer for CUT! WOW! I am very excited!

Dallas James

I'll be there! I will be coming directly from an afternoon theater performance, so this Sunday will definitely be an awesome day to remember.

Richard "RB" Botto

Looking forward to seeing you all there. Congrats to David and the entire CUT! crew!

Anthony -

I will be there

Jennifer James

Sorry I'm shooting, so I will not be able to attend, maybe the next time?

Penelope Richards

So excited to see the 5pm show, got my ticket and I'm there!

Mandy Goldstein

Lots of great emails and energy from everyone. If you are coming on Sunday, please get your tickets through the online link with the promo code: STAGE32 The discount is only available online and the seats are filling up fast.

Lawrence Charles Benedict

Looking forward to the event!

Serita Stevens

Hank and I coming Sunday excited to see it

AJ Taylor

Looking forward to it.

Jo Galloway

I'd love to join, thank you. See you Sunday

Cuscino | Composer X Edm Artist/Producer X DJ

I'll be there, looking forward to meeting everyone! Cheers, CUSCINO | Composer for Film, TV & Video Games Los Angeles Web: IMDB: EPK: --- Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Soundcloud: LinkedIn:

Christina Horgan

We had a great time at the CUT! Premiere last night!! Loved watching the movie with a full house. Loved how everyone laughed, screamed, jumped, and gasped all at the same times! Love this movie!!

Jeff Constine

I will be there, with Jacob Whitley + 1.

Richard "RB" Botto

Awesome photos, Christina!

David Rountree

SUNDAY SOLD OUT - IMPORTANT MESSAGE - Hello Stage 32. The support thus far has been tremendous and we were just informed that the screening for Sunday (5:00PM) has also sold out. For Sunday, if you did not already get a ticket online, there may be a few available at the door if there are some no shows. I spoke with the theater and they will honor the promo code: STAGE32 (all caps) for any of the remaining shows. Today there are 2 shows (5:30 PM and 10:15PM). Tomorrow there is still a late showing available (10:30PM) and shows for the rest of the week. If you did not get a ticket in time for tomorrow at 5, you are still welcome to come to the meet-up at The Pig 'N Whistle after and bring your resume and info. If you are coming to another show, let me know and I will be sure to attend so that we can meet. I look forward to meeting everyone. The theaters validates parking for $5 for up to 3 hours. Ticket Link:

Anthony -

Damn tickets sold out didn't buy on time

David Crowther

Got my ticket. I'll be there!

Daniel Hadaway

I went out and watched CUT! last night with friends. An inspirational horror movie. Inspirational because David Rountree the man who wrote, directed, produced, and stars in the movie, just five short years ago was an acting student like many of us. Everyone should go out and see CUT! It will entertain and inspire. "Keep up the great work David."

Daniel Hadaway

I was wrong calling it a Horror movie, I believe it is a physiological thriller for the thinking man. Putting a label on Cut! does not do it Justices. Cut! is unlike any movie I have seen, a piece of art that you rarely find in theaters.

Richard "RB" Botto

Great post, Daniel! Thank you! Looking forward to seeing David's film today and hanging with all of you at the meetup tonight!

Kaye Kittrell

Congrats, David and Chriss for all the great reviews and feedback! Looking forward to meeting you today.

Steve Jacques

I am looking forward to it

Ryan Campbell


Mandy Goldstein

REMINDER - The movie begins at 5PM sharp. Just an FYI, you don't want to miss the beginning! :-)

Brett Gustafson

The showing for 5 is sold out, will I still be able to attend the meetup?

Robin Chappell

Didn't see where to RSVP for just networking so show u p @ Pig?

Richard "RB" Botto

Yes. Just come to the Pig and Whistle. We will be there right after the panel (taking place after the film). Probably 7-7:15. See you all there!

Matt Chassin

What an amazing event. Sold out theatre, and an honor to be on a panel speaking with Stage 32 members. Meet up also was a huge success. Big thanks to The davids(Rountree and Banks), Chris Moir, RB, Shannon, and all of the stage 32 crew and espeipecially to all the stage 32 members who came out to support this wonderfully fun film. It was a priveledge and an honor meeting all of you, I hope to work with many of you in the future,.

David Rountree

The support tonight was overwhelming and we are all still at a loss for words. Thank you to everyone who came to either the movie or the meet-up. As Matt said above, thanks to RB, Amanda, Shannon, Joey, and the rest of the Stage 32 crew. I am truly in awe at such a wonderful community.

AJ Taylor

A very exciting evening, well done interesting movie, enjoyed meeting everybody. Thank you to everybody for their time and efforts.

Richard "RB" Botto

I'm still feeling the buzz from last night. For starters, a great film beautifully realized by writer/director/gentleman, David Rountree. Terrific performances by David, David "Y&T" Banks, Chris Moir and Susan Lanier to name a few. The sold out crowd was riveted and engaged from start to finish. The Meetup was a lively affair attended by over 60 Stage 32 members. My thanks to everyone who showed and for all the kind and humbling words you shared with me and my staff regarding our efforts with the site. The support puts wind in our sails and is appreciated more than you could possibly know. If you live in the LA area, I urge you to head down to the Arena and see CUT! If you live outside of LA, the film will be available on DVD and On Demand February 24th. We will also have an announcement shortly on yet one more way you can view CUT! from the comfort of your own home. My thanks to David for not only hiring 30 Stage 32 members for CUT!, but for being such a selfless and ardent supporter of the platform. Your collaborative soul inspires many, my friend. Proud of you and to know you.

Richard "RB" Botto

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Matt Chassin's role in all of this. Matt is doing one hell of a job promoting CUT! and getting the word of the film and David's accomplishments out there. Awesome work, Matt!

Christina Horgan

Thank you RB, not only is David BEST director I have ever had the pleasure to work for, his cast on CUT! are equally talented, and wonderful wonderful people I got the privilege of knowing quite well throughout the entire post production process, from the ADR stage to the final dub stage. That close relationship helped me learn about each character on the screen and off the screen, to help me design unique sound applied to each character as well as the scene. In turn, the actors were invited to the dub stage to learn how we transform their characters on the screen, and it was truly a great experience for all of us. Also, Matt Chassin ROCKS!!!! Matt has done such an amazing job promoting CUT! It was such a pleasure to meet Matt on Friday night at the Premiere, and I hope to see him again, as well as many of the rest of you here on this post throughout the week…. CUT! is one of those movies which you really have to watch again and again to learn all the little secret Easter eggs stuck in the movie… David is very fun that way. I also apologize for bailing on the Q&A panel and S32 mixer after last night's 5PM screening, I was truly looking forward to being there, however, the M.P.S.E. Golden Reel Awards were held last night and I had no idea I would be attending the Awards until Friday the 13th and Solange and I let David know that night. It was truly an unexpected last minute thing. Also, Solange Schwalbe, our Supervising Sound Editor on CUT!, and a long standing member of M.P.S.E., M.P.E.G. 700, A.M.P.A.S., and A.T.A.S. was also planning to sit in on the Q&A panel and attend the S32 mixer last night, but she learned at the last minute she would be presenting at the Golden Reels. We are sorry we missed out, and it sounds like we missed a great evening with our fellow Stage 32ers!!!

Matt Chassin

Thanks to Chriss and RB for the very kind words. As I said last night, marketing and promotion is easy when you have a great product, like CUT!, The great folks here at STAGE 32 make it even easier by the wonderful support shown for this amazing film. I wish all my projects were as easy, as good, and as much fun as this one!

Daniel Hadaway

I went to see Cut! again last night, to be honest it was unbelievable how much I missed the first time. Cut! is a well written, well thought out piece of art. If you blink, you will miss something. It was just as good the second time around. David Roundtree, David Banks and everyone who had a hand in Cut! made something very special.

Mandy Goldstein

Hello Stage 32 - In cased you missed CUT! or want to see it again and catch all of the "clues" to the twists, we will be playing through this Thursday at the same theater and the discounted promo code: STAGE32 (in all caps) will still work. We are also having a wrap party after the Thursday 7 PM show at Boardners, which will be a red carpet set up with press photogs. It would be a great chance for you to come and get some personal "Event Pics" for your own publicity and Stage 32 page. TICKETS: Promo Code: STAGE32 (all in caps and only available online) REMAINING SHOWS Tuesday 8:10 PM Wednesday 9:45 PM Thursday 7:00 PM (Followed by theatrical wrap party at Boardners)

Anthony -

Do we have to RSVP for the wrap party or just head down over to Boardners

Mandy Goldstein

Just head on over.

Mandy Goldstein

You are invited to the RED CARPET WRAP PARTY this Thursday! 2 SHOWS LEFT of CUT! In cased you missed it or want to see it again and catch all of the "clues" to the twists, we will be playing through this Thursday at the same theater and the discounted promo code: STAGE32 (in all caps) will still work. We are also having a wrap party after the Thursday 7 PM show, which will be a red carpet set up with press photogs. It would be a great chance for you to come and get some personal "Event Pics" for your own publicity and Stage 32 page. TICKETS: Promo Code: STAGE32 (all in caps and only available online) REMAINING SHOWS Wednesday 9:45 PM Thursday 7:00 PM (Followed by theatrical RED CARPET wrap party)

Daniel Hadaway

Two more night two see Cut! in the theater! One of the great things about Cut! is David Rountree, David Banks, and a group of talented professionals, with the help of this platform created a well crafted movie. What that shows me is that anyone who is willing to work hard and dedicate themselves to their craft can truly make something SPECIAL!!! Go See Cut! And Support Your Local Film Makers and Stage 32!

David Rountree

Thank you Daniel. Such nice words. I truly appreciate you taking the time to check out the movie and share in our adventure.

David Banks

ABSOLUTELY OVERWHELMED WITH ALL THE AMAZING STAGE 32ERS THAT SHOWED UP AND SUPPORTED THE FILM! I met some really nice people I would have never had the chance to meet otherwise! Truly a passion project of long standing that has finally come to fruition by the amazing David Rountree. Feeling super blessed right about now! RB has really sparked and ignited something special with Stage 32!

Mandy Goldstein

Well said Mr. Banks. It has been such a pleasure to work with you on CUT! as well as be a part of such a terrific Stage 32 community.

Mandy Goldstein

CUT! has officially SOLD OUT it's final show in Los Angeles. We at Psycho Rock are very proud of what the movie has been able to accomplish and are thrilled to have been able to share with those who were able to check it out.

Richard "RB" Botto

Thank you, Mr. Banks! You were awesome in the film, brother. Deserving of every accolade that's been coming your way and, no doubt, numerous more to come. And thank you, Mandy. You've done incredible work with the film. I appreciate all the effort you put into the Stage 32 Meetup as well!

Mandy Goldstein

Thank you RB. Stage 32 is such a valuable asset to anyone in any position in this business and I hope that others will be able to utilize the sites resources as much as we have. I was happy to organize the meet-up and even more thrilled to support Stage 32.

Daniel Hadaway

This past week I had the good fortune of being invited by David Rountree to Cut!, and the events surrounding the opening. The experience was surreal, and the things I learned were priceless. Everyone I meet involved in this project, were so proud of it. Last night they had the wrap party and Psycho Rock Productions knows how to throw a party. A great night with great people. I want to sincerely thank David Rountree, and everyone who helped make this week so memorable.

David Rountree

Thanks to everyone who attended the theatrical Red Carpet Wrap party for CUT! Your pics can be seen and downloaded here:

Matt Chassin

there is also an album on my facebook page if anyone wants to tag and share on social media

Christina Horgan

Celebrated receiving my personal copy of CUT! in yesterday's mail with a big ol' bowl of popcorn and watching it twice, back-to-back!!!

Dallas James

Just got email confirmation that my very own personal copy of CUT! is on its way and will be hand delivered to my front door within days! I can't wait to see it on the giant 4K!

David Banks

Woohoo! Can't wait to see what you think Dallas!

David Rountree

That is terrific Dallas!

Antonio Carrasco

So bummed I missed this one!!!

Dallas James

Loved it! Excellent direction and awesomely acted. Thanks for shooting this in the style that you did. I truly appreciate the thriller aspects and the restraint from turning the piece into gore. P.S. Everybody loves Dee Wallace, the mere mention of her name brought a smile to my face; and seeing Gabrielle and Suze together was amazing. I'm going to watch it again this afternoon to get all of the bits I missed the first time. Excellent work!

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