Screenwriting : The Motivator or Torture - you decide by Stacy Gentile

Stacy Gentile

The Motivator or Torture - you decide

So as I have been working on the screenplay Absolution, I kept getting the movie poster image in my head. In my day job, I am a marketing guy. So rather than fight it (which wasn't working) I just produced the damn thing and put it on the wall in actual size. I can't decide if I am motivating myself or torturing myself. Now before some of you start going - that's not the screenwriters job and don't show that to anyone - NO KIDDING. It's just for me. I had to get it out of my head, but now it's in my face. I am way too invested in this project at this point. I might need to find a short to work on or something. Thoughts on it?

Stacy Gentile

Believe me Jim -- my expectations are realistic and set very very low. I am just having fun with it. There will be other projects and maybe one day, one of them will hit.

Monique Mata

Good job on the poster :) I use visuals all the time to motivate and inspire, whether it's pics of locations, actors who I envision as my characters, etc. Just another tool to help you "see" your script. I can only think your poster would help as a motivator.

Renee Lucas Wayne

the poster can motivate you, and you SHOULD let people see it. the more people see it, the more they will ask about the project. the more people ask about the project the more you'll feel like you need to push it forward - in some way - every day! it won't be some random idea in your head. if it's uppermost in your mind, don't fight it. trying to work on another short isn't the answer. maybe you need to work on a short form for THIS film. stop fighting the muse!

Beth Fox Heisinger

That's great, Stacy! What a fun way to motivate yourself! Now, perhaps, begin to develop another story while you're polishing up "Absolution." Use it to keep going! Don't be too precious about your first darling. ;)

Shawn Speake

That's a good look on the poster, Stacy.

Jean-Pierre Chapoteau

Excellent poster. I think it's great motivation.

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