Hello everyone. I know I said that the deadline was march 31 but all that has changed. The deadline has been extended to May 1. So there is still one more month being this month to vote. I am forever grateful to all that were willing and voted. Those that haven't, I plead that you help your fellow stage 32 member out and vote for me. Me becoming a finalist is a possibility with the power of the stage 32 community. I know that some of you might be tired of seeing me post about this but when it is something in life that you really want, you do everything in your power to reach it. And you better believe I want it so I am going to reach like I have never reached in my life!! So my fellow stage 32 members, help me reach this opportunity by reading the essay on this link: http://www.wyzant.com/scholarships/v5/essay111504-Salisbury-NC.aspx And voting for me if you like it, please. I also hope by reading the essay you find out about me and the journey I take today. Thank you and I hope to have your full support.
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116th vote. I hope you get that scholarship!
1 person likes this
You got my vote! :) Best of luck!
I just wanted to let you guys know that I have 11 days until the deadline. Thank you to those that have voted and for the support. Those of you that haven't and those of you who are new to stage 32 (Welcome by the way), there is still time to read my essay and vote. Your votes really matter so if you do vote, be sure to tell others and it turns out that you can use another email and vote too. Thank you and I hope to see more of you vote. I also wish everyone the best of luck.