I wrote this tonight and wanted to share with the community of Stage 32 We are here for a short time! We are born and we die. Everyone of us has a unique soul journey and purpose. We all face challenges and experience moments of happiness and sadness. We identify with something and determine our choices based on what we believe. There is not one belief better than the other but rather a choice to live in fear or love, separation or oneness, lack or abundance. In the end the only thing that is truly real is LOVE. ❤️Cherish the time and the people who truly matter. Forget the naysayers and embrace who you truly are. Live-Love-Now ❤️
1 person likes this
How true! I feel the vibe! Thanks for your input Eugene.
1 person likes this
Beautiful sentiment.
2 people like this
Well said Eugene. You're a poet.
Thank you :)