Screenwriting : The Third Bomb now available on The Blacklist website by Phil Parker

Phil Parker

The Third Bomb now available on The Blacklist website

The Third Bomb, a recent 1st place winner at the Nashville Film Festival, is now available for download (and review...gulp!) if you're an industry member keen to have a look. Cheers! Phil

Bill Costantini

Good luck, Phillip - you got it in the review section and Bob's yer uncle!

Phil Parker

Thanks, Bill. I'm nervous as heck about it. It did get a download by an industry member within the first 24hr hours. Not sure what to make of that, though. I'm hoping for a bit of love. Been getting a lot of pitches knocked back lately.

Phil Parker

Thanks, Kat. Will do. I'm remaining cautious with my expectations of the Blacklist. I've heard some stories. I'm also wondering how professional their 'professional' readers could be if they are only charging us $50 per? Not that I want to be charged more, but I do want reviews from qualified people, not randoms off of Craig's List.

F Wheeler

Aren't all the BlackList readers members of the WGA (and therefore screenwriters with credits).

Phil Parker

@Fiona - I've not heard that before and I didn't see mention of it on their website when I signed up. You could be right, but I don't know.

F Wheeler

I think I read long ago that it was started as an alternative source of revenue for screenwriters who were between gigs, but perhaps I'm mistaken. I recently put one of mine on the site too (thriller 'Mumbai Scrabble') and am waiting to get the feedback... we'll see.

Phil Parker

Good luck to us both, then :-)

F Wheeler

Yep. Fingers crossed. And congrat's on your win.

Phil Parker

From what I have heard, unproduced and unrepped spec scripts by people like myself are battling for reviews and attention with scripts being pushed by agents to get their clients noticed. Since the agents are the ones doing a lot of the voting, too, that would seem to put non-repped scripts at an automatic disadvantage wouldn't it? There are also scripts on there that are already in production or have finished production. Strange. Anyway, who knows what will happen. If you get good reviews, I guess you're happy, and if you don't, well, I guess not. It is good to be aware of what you're buying into, though so your expectations are realistic. In the end, it's just another way to get your stuff out there. I will don my suit of armor and wait for the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune to come flying ;-)

Bill Costantini

You might want to consider paying the extra $50 for the evaluations. That could help you start amassing your rating and getting your work in front of people looking for what you put on the site. I know that the blcklst has some secrecy surrounding it's foundation, like the identity of its readers (they are supposed to be currently in the movie business); the identity of the professionals looking for scripts; its algorithms; confusion with the Black List; politicization of the process. etc. If I had a script on the blcklst, though, I'd probably pay for a few evaluations. I imagine it would help get my rating going, and would also assume it would help boost my script over the many scripts that are struggling for a rating if no professionals are reading/rating them.

Phil Parker

You're right, Bill, and I did pay for 2 reviews when I signed up. It takes up to 3 weeks to get the feedback, so now it's a waiting game. There is also some luck involved, I would imagine. Just like entering contests, in one contest you might get readers who love your baby, and in another one, the opposite. That's life :-)

CJ Walley

With this being such a strong script, I feel there's a very good chance at least one reader will score it an 8 and put it in the spotlight.

Phil Parker

You're kind to say so, CJ. Fingers crossed. :-)

Phil Parker

First score, an 8! Apparently that puts me in the top 5% of Blacklist scripts. Cool. It apparently earned me 2 more FREE script evaluations. Double cool... I think. Interesting site so far. We'll see...

CJ Walley

Big congrats on this, Phillip. An 8 on BL is yet more fantastic validation for you. I really hope you get a good response from this.

David Levy

Great score! Hope you stand out on there from it.

Phil Parker

Thanks, CJ! Thanks, David! It's gotten several industry downloads so far. We'll see... :-)

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