I was lucky enough to have a script submitted to this talent agency. I was curious how long it takes to get a response if one at all. It was over a month ago, and I was curious are they backed up with scripts or did they just simply pass? If anyone has any experience with this plz get back to me. Thanks.
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Mark, it can take months before you hear anything. The shortest time I've had a response is a month, there are others I've never heard back from after a request and I assume it's a no. Don't stress just yet, their read pile is huge.
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I have people take as long as six months to get back to me on a read.
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I wouldn't fret it, Mark. I had a request last year from a management company last year. It took a month or maybe more for them to respond but when the did it was good news. They wanted another writing sample which I (possibly foolishly) spent too long in finessing. Then suddenly it's staffing season and no manager is going to be reading specs instead of placing their represented writers. I understand staffing season is largely over now so hopefully we'll both hear good news very soon. Finger's crossed for you.
Thanks guys!