Member Since:
December 2013
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About Anthony

I’m an award-winning screenwriter with a couple of features optioned and over forty screenplays produced, optioned and/or purchased.

Outside of my screenwriting, I’m also a published short story writer, interviewer and movie reviewer.

Check out my site for details - .uk






  • It's A...

    It's A... Drama Two expectant mothers share their precious last moments together as they prepare for the end of the world.

  • Night Train

    Night Train Horror A horny teenager decides to prank his girlfriend with an immersive ghost experience when she won't take their relationship to the next level.

  • The Girl in the Fence

    The Girl in the Fence Drama An anomaly in an online photo drives a wedge between a childless couple, it may be resolved for one if only she can understand what the photo reveals.

  • Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secure

    Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secure Thriller Horror Drama A desperate cleithrophobiac discovers that his fears could be a blessing in disguise when a late night cab ride detours into hell.

  • Fabric

    Fabric Horror Drama In a picture postcard village, an officious accountant decides to make the horologist redundant, not realising just how important he is to village life.

  • A Furtive Response

    A Furtive Response Drama A grieving couple, separated by loss, live a distant existence until a unifying secret is accidentally revealed.

  • Look B4 U Leap

    Look B4 U Leap Sci-fi Comedy An adventurous couple experiment with time travel using their sheer will to overcome the lack of a time machine, and any scientific knowledge.

  • Ouija

    Ouija Horror Comedy A group of friends get more than they bargained for when the hook a Ouija board up to a 3D printer and encounter a presence from the other side.

  • Pond Life

    Pond Life Horror Rumours of a strange creature entice two young friends to explore the distant woodlands and the pond deep within.

  • Wild Flowers

    Wild Flowers Drama A couple are driven apart by the death of their daughter, until the murderer intervenes and nudges them back together.

  • Love Locked

    Love Locked Thriller Horror A romantic young woman notices the very first love lock attached to the bridge and becomes obsessed with discovering just who put it there.

  • Terminal Z

    Terminal Z Horror A critically ill patient pushes for the only cure left to him, very much against his surgeon's wishes.

  • Scan

    Scan Drama A 3D scan allows a blind father to 'see' his unborn child for the first time, perhaps it will also help him overcome his marrow deep fears of fatherhood.

  • Haptic

    Haptic Horror Comedy A loving wife regrets getting her husband a smart watch for their anniversary, he regrets checking out it's haptic feedback in the middle of the night.

  • Twisted Smile

    Twisted Smile Thriller Horror Drama An old man with a dark secret has the smile wiped from his face from the most unexpected source - a 13 year old girl.

  • Father's Girl

    Father's Girl Horror Drama A young teen struggles to cope with her crippled, harridan of a Mother, seeks help from her Father only for dark family secrets to be revealed that will change everything.

  • Dog's Life

    Dog's Life Sci-fi Comedy The barrier guards at the Large Hadron Collider make a strange discovery that causes them to stop and wonder... just for a moment.

  • Today on the Jeremiah Bile Show

    Today on the Jeremiah Bile Show Horror Comedy An enslaved teen takes her parents onto a daytime talk show to stop the abuse, but first they must all confront exactly why they are doing it.

  • Grab Me

    Grab Me Horror A young girl's dreams come true when her Dad wins her a new doll at the fair, but some dreams are better unfulfilled.

  • Doormat Smiles

    Doormat Smiles Thriller Horror Why are strange S&M photos being sent to David through the post? Who is sending them and who is the hooded woman in the pictures?

  • Through Glass Darkly (Short)

    Through Glass Darkly (Short) Drama Gary loves his new Google Glass but his wife would rather have a sofa, and then there's the weird shadow spoiling things too.

  • Glitch

    Glitch Sci-fi In a dystopian future, a desperate wife must take extreme measures to save her husband while overcoming the challenge of a technology hell bent on thwarting her efforts.

  • Stuffed

    Stuffed Drama A distraught wife collapses under the weight of her husbands infedelity and embarks on a mission to even the score.

  • The L Equation

    The L Equation Drama Romance A talented female mathematician slaves over an equation that could change the face of humanity, as her dedicated assistant struggles to tell her exactly how he feels.

  • Disruption

    Disruption Drama Horror Thriller An uptight tax lawyer seeks professional help when her life starts to unravel, but try as she might, she can't figure out why.

  • A Face in the Crowd

    A Face in the Crowd Thriller A man who works in secrets is dogged by a dark shadow that has secrets of it's own.

  • iRobot

    iRobot Action Sci-fi The delivery of an unexpected package leads to a battle between a geriatric war veteran and a machine - a fight to the death... over the kitchen table.

  • Bump in the Night

    Bump in the Night Horror A foul mouthed drug addict decides that burglary can get him his next fix, but boy does he pick the wrong house and the wrong couple to mess with.

  • Graft

    Graft Horror Sci-fi A grieving Doctor cannot understand why the syhthetic skin grafts keep disappearing, she suspects a thief but the answer is much more macabre.

  • Fridge Feeder (Short)

    Fridge Feeder (Short) Drama A desperate woman turns to technology to help her diet, but the tech has other ideas of how to help.

  • The Lost Reel

    The Lost Reel Adventure Upon finding a long-forgotten film reel in a yard sale, a boy and his Grandpa head off on a quest to Japan to reunite the two halves of the film, pursued every step of the way by an unscrupulous film collector.

  • Ciaran De Bergerac (Short)

    Ciaran De Bergerac (Short) Comedy Romance Star crossed lovers meet for their first date in this techno twist on the classic tale - but can Ciaran overcome his nerves?


  • Disruption

    Disruption (2016)
    Film (Short and Drama) Writer An uptight tax lawyer seeks professional help when her life starts to unravel, but she can't discover why.

  • A Certain Romance

    A Certain Romance (2016)
    Film (Short and Romance) Writer Add a Plot »

  • Flowers

    Flowers (2015)
    Film (short) (Comedy) Writer

  • Ghost Light

    Ghost Light (2015)
    Film (short) Written by

  • TXT M

    TXT M (2014)
    Film (short) Director/Writer

  • Let Me In

    Let Me In (2014)
    Film (short) by Northeast Film Group Story & Screenplay

  • First Kiss

    First Kiss
    Film (short) Writer YouTube is a great place to find all sorts of training videos, but not everyone wants to learn news things.


  • Winner, Short Screenplay - Nashville Film Festival Screenwriting competition

  • Winner, Short Screenplay - Nashville Film Festival Screenwriting Contest

  • 2nd Place, Short Screenplay - FilmQuest Film Festival Screenwriting Contest

  • 3rd Place, Short Screenplay - Reel Writers Screenwriting Contest

  • Finalist, Cherub Films, Short Screenplay Competition

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