Anyone else notice how freaking amazing the interviews we get with the pitchfest are? Just listened to the one from ICM and LOVED it.
Anyone else notice how freaking amazing the interviews we get with the pitchfest are? Just listened to the one from ICM and LOVED it.
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very insightful!
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They are fabulous - a huge addition to an already great service!
I haven't been on here for a month and missed the pitch fest date. Robert, what's the cost to join in the pitch fest ?
You can listen to them? Where do you find that?
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And the Circle of Confusion's interview is AMAZING
I was not a participant in the pitch fest, but I have previously gotten exclusive interviews where the question was "What is your biggest pet peeve?" Were these of a similar format?
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I LOVED the ICM one!!! It was probably the best advice I've ever heard. I was so happy to be able to hear it.
Preston- yes, but they go on from there- at varying lengths, expounding on what they like, look for, etc. I found the interviews from this last fest really inspiring, informative, and useful- the way Stage 32 is doing these pitch vests now is amazing- info before pitch on your particular session- interviews- and log lines to all industry participants: out-friggin'-standing!
Emi- agreed!
I never found those at all worthwhile, but I'm glad someone likes them.
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ICM was good. I like the Paramount one too. Really cool perk.
Many thanks.
Joe, that's right. The story must "translates internationally". I discovered this through reading John Truby's book like four years ago. I remembered he said that myth/adventure is the number one story that translates. The secret is that you structure your main plot as myth, then mix it with other genres like horror, sci-fi, love or fantasyt. That's why a lot of Hollywood epic movies make money. Movies are expensive to make. It has to sell.