An e-mail out of the blue from a great friend that has directed me twice in theatrical roles. His day job is at his Father's audio recording Studio: "Do you have an Animation V/O Reel?". No - I have the three demo's on the Voice Actor Page of my website. And then I forgot about it. A week later, I get an e-mail from someone I don't know: "Like your reel, please read these three scenes and gt them back to me." Being good at following direction (My friend will attest to that!)", I did, and yesterday recorded a V/O for an ongoing online animated Comedy Show. What is more, the Writer/Director has more projects in mind where my voice can be used again. From one e-mail from a friend I have received a paid job, achieved something I haven't done before, earned money, met a 'Decision Maker' in his field, and can look forward to another entry into my Demo Reel. Next time someone asks for my 'Animation Reel', I can show them! My new V/O page is below, and photos are attached of this great afternoon. http://www.stevejames.ca/#!steve-james-voice-over/c2355
WOW, just great... Congrats...
Congrats, congrats! Pens Up!
well done
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OMG - can you believe it! I got a play last night via the same method! A call out of the blue. Goota love friends!
Well done!
Huge congrats Steve!