Anything Goes : Specifically for AZ -- united front for film tax breaks by John Muller

John Muller

Specifically for AZ -- united front for film tax breaks

Why is it that all the film companies fly right over us to New Mexico and places east (New Orleans?) Partially it's because there's a hostile climate here for film, specifically from our legislature. What can we do to change this?

Tony Fisher

I take it then that the people that create the legislation do not see any benefits is having film companies coming to the country?

John Muller

These folks (state-wise) would refuse the Second Coming if it meant raising their taxes by 1 cent. The AZ legislature is composed of a bunch of venal narcissists dominated by Maricopa County. If there's any hope for filming in AZ it has to be done on the local level, perhaps by each county.

Philip Sedgwick

@John Howdy! There is supposed to be a bill in the state house/senate to reinstate an Arizona Film Commissioner. That's a valid step one. We can write to support it. I didn't see it in a fast glance of the senate bills. I'll try to find it later. The tax credit is essential. However, the manner of pitch needs to change such that the party in power can hear that it is a "jobs bill," instead of an open door to liberal Hollywood to ruin Arizona, which has been stated by state law makers in the past... or in so many words and even citing the most despised Hollywood liberals by name. A jobs bill is consistent with the economic development and fiscal fortification the party in power contends they support. And by the way, Tucson does have a city tax credit. Mayor Rothschild and Councilman Kozachik are both very pro film. The Mayor is also very keen on pitching the idea that a film tax incentive is a jobs bill. What we can do is make some excellent indie films using top notch crew and talent, showing how Arizona is not even close to being "shot out," bring money to the local economy and create buzz. As we can make a splash with great film, surely they will sit up and notice. Okay, that's by no means a given, but we can hope. Working on the latter point as we speak! See you at IFA!

John Muller

Thanks very much for that information, Phillip. It's great the mayor and Steve Kozachik support film in Tucson. Here's an idea for the pitch: how has the economy of New Mexico changed since the film companies came there. If there are provable numbers, it should make sense to support film as jobs. There is that small problem of whether good sense works on those clowns at 1700 West Washington.

Philip Sedgwick

Good idea, John. You know how those folks at 1700 are! We're just going to have to show them I think.

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