- If you’re a delicate, sensitive woodland creature, then scriptwriting isn’t for you. 2. Don’t tell anyone “this is your first script.” But don’t think you’ll set the world on fire by writing one script. 3. Learn to suck up constant rejection. Never spend more than a few hours wallowing in rejection or failure. Remember, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. With each setback, learn how to sally forth with renewed vigor. 4. The best cure for rejection is writing; particularly if it’s better writing. 5. Sometimes a script just sucks. Everyone thinks they have a great idea for a script. More often than not, they’re wrong. 6. Sometimes a script just sucks, no matter how many times you rewrite it. Therefore, don’t attach yourself to any one effort too much. It may take writing twenty scripts before you find something that really resonates with readers. 7. If you see writing scripts as a path to riches and fame, you may wish to consider other options. 8. There ain’t no such thing as writers block. There are only writers that write and ones that don’t. Look at Bukowski. Drunk or sober, he did great work every day of his life. 9. Writers who build relationships, maintain their humility and help their colleagues will do better than ones who don’t. 10. If you keep losing script contests, write better scripts until you win one. 11. Read books, take classes, seminars, and good advice about scriptwriting and then march to your own creative drummer. If I listened to every asshole who told me I couldn’t do something, I’d never accomplish anything. 12. Don’t write something because you think it will have commercial appeal. Write something you believe in. 13. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. Endeavor to be an original. 14. Don’t ever rest on your laurels or laurel leaves. Keep writing until it becomes second nature to you; and you can produce even under adverse or stressful conditions. You may one day have a job that presents you with just that set of conditions.
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Thank you for this, very inspirational.
1 person likes this
Solid, i like 2, 5 ,6 and 9
4 people like this
Two thumbs up! I would also add the importance of having interests and activities that are rewarding outside of screenwriting. Whether it's my day job or my hobbies, I try not to lose myself entirely in writing as my only escape.
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Preach on, Phillip! Great post, brother.
2 people like this
Thanks, Coach! Just show me the wall and I'll run right through it. Or maybe I'll just write about it. Either way it's gonna hurt, right? Great words of guidance, advice and direction, Phillip, and surprisingly refreshing. Thanks, again.
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3 people like this
Serafin: Unless you like them all, you forfeit the cult discount.
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LOL nooo, I love them all "Solid list" but those in particular. I'd like to hammer those in my head like a picture frame. Thank you for the B-slap sir! :D
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Serafin: You go to the head of the class. I like your style already.
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I look forward to more tips and awesome stuff. Rock on!
Steven: There's million more Bambi's where she came from. They're all over my neighborhood.
Good advice!
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Can always rely on you Phillip for telling it like it is. Always great to hear truth in motivation!
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David: Word!
Thank you so much for this Philip. You are a very inspiring coach!
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Dawn: u r welcome.
love #4 - and it's so true!
Shari: Thanks. I just read your loglines and really like the storyline idea for Low and Outside.
Thanks, Phillip, I had so much fun writing that one!
And it looks like you've written on a similar topic -- cool angle! I'd love to hear more about The Negro League.
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Shari: l'll send you the info.
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Chad: we all have our Bambi moments.
Thanks. A witty post full of trueisms.
Love this ! I really needed to hear this
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Thanks all.
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Phillip - one day - you are going to make a great story board artist.
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It's incredible how many bad movies - actually do well at the box office. Many a grateful writer has retired on a stinker.
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There are two types of good and bad: Good quality - which can be subjective. Good commercially - which is all about numbers and is completely objective. Guess which matters and which doesn't?
well said Bill