We know this is off-topic, and if any of the moderators feel like it shouldn't be posted, feel free to intervene -- Because we know there are quite a few French creatives in this group, as well as a few Parisians in particular. We would like to take a minute to remember the gruesome attacks in Paris that occured just a few short hours ago. --------------------- Parce que nous savons qu'il y'a plusieurs des français dans ce groupe ici, et particulairement quelques Parisiens, Nous aimerions prendre une moment pour ce commemorer les attaques et les victimes des evenements attroce et insensé qui sont passer il y'a quelques heures
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I think this should be posted because it affects everyone. Thank you for this post.
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I'm praying for all of us. This is the beginning of a spiritual war like we've never seen before.... because unlike 911, this new crew doesn't care about making a statement with specific targets - they'll kill anyone, anywhere now. It's a whole new chapter.
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Our Father who art in Heaven, be with us now. Be with the suffering. Be with the people who keep us safe - and be with murderers, that they may rise above their evil ways... in Jesus name we pray - Amen.
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news of other terrorist attacks around the world, as well as human tragedies has been reaching us all day. Our hearts also go out to those affected by the attacks in Kenya and Beirut!
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Amen Shawn, Eveliendorien, I think its very appropriate that we let our fellow industry folks know we are thinking about them.
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Thanks, tammy