Is it a bad ideal to pitch a movie if you have not finished the script. I have 4 good ideas for movies; however, the scripts are not completed should I pitch them. I would like to pitch this weekend.
Is it a bad ideal to pitch a movie if you have not finished the script. I have 4 good ideas for movies; however, the scripts are not completed should I pitch them. I would like to pitch this weekend.
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It's not ideal. There is a small chance that a producer might love the concept so much that he might simply ask to option your outline (which presents rights issues down the road when the option expires) or he'd maybe try to develop it with you. But if it's me, I'm asking myself why this person hasn't written the script she's pitching me? What's going on here? What's holding her back? Do I want to get into business with a screenwriter who doesn't actually write or who doesn't actually complete her scripts? I'd be scared that there's a reason why this writer hasn't actually written the script yet. Like, is this person too busy? Is this person too undisciplined? Is this person too inexperienced? Is this person just not that dedicated? In other words, some kind of warning bell would go off. And I'd have to ask myself, is this the person who I want to spend hours and hours developing with? Then again, if the pitch is awesome, and if I see a clear way to get the movie made, then who knows. In any case, you'd probably want a strong sample script to present. "Read this sample script. It shows I can write in this same genre. Develop this new idea with me."
Ok thanks I would love to. I only as this question due to an article I read online. The article stated he sold the idea to a production company. The article also stated that the production team brought him on as a writer. I have one treatment completed. I am currently fine toning that treatment. The title is Last Second Chance. The other two treatments that I will have to complete is Fantasy Flick and unsure of the title for the other treatment.
For professional writers who have a track record, it's standard to pitch BEFORE the script is written. The studio/network who buys the pitch pays the writer to write the script. For non-professional writers, it's standard to pitch AFTER the script is written because the non-pro doesn't have a track record yet. But never say never.
I am going to pitch the idea. The worst I can be told is no. This will truly be a learning experience I will embrace.
Yes, if money is no object, go for it. No regrets! We should all strive to live a life of few regrets! If money is finite for you, then consider whether you want to save your money and pitch later. If your concept is strong, it is possible that a producer would want to partner up at concept stage and develop with you. However, like I said above, your chances are much greater if you have a strong sample script to show them so they will be confident in developing with you. Here's my example. Pizza Hut has a track record of making decent pizzas. Because I know Pizza Hut's track record, I might order a pizza from them online, pay for it first online, THEN pick up my pizza. If you have a track record (or a sample script), I'm much more likely to work with you on the development of the script before it's been written. If it's Joe Blow Pizza, with no proven track record, I'm not going to pay them in advance to make me a pizza. I'm going to wait to see Yelp reviews or taste a sample or something before I give them my time and money. If it's Joe Blow writer, with no proven track record, I'm most likely not going to spend hours of my time developing with that writer. However, I might like the menu or your concept so much that I will take the risk and invest my time/money. It's impossible to say for sure. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't sign up to pitch if you have the means to do so. Just know the risk for all parties is greater if you're unproven.
I volunteered at the Fade In Pitchfest for the first time last fall ( I went as a favor to a manager friend. I met newbie writers and producers who flew in to LA for the weekend to pitch. It's their money. If they want to spend a couple thousand dollars to fly in and pitch, they're adults, they make the call. In the 2-3 hours during which I took pitches, I met people at all levels from Nicholl semifinalists to real estate agents to retired guys who didn't even know the term "documentary." So yeah, anyone can pitch. But your risk tolerance is something that only you can determine.
I was going to pitch on Saturday it is only $45.
Thank you everything I wish there were people that was willing to coach new writers. Writing all starts with a good idea then the choice of wording.
Respectfully, I disagree. I think writing is an incredibly complex art and craft to master. I don't think it's as easy as a choice of wording. But that's just me. Some people will certainly agree with you.
I agree with what you are saying. When I say a choice of wording it is not to down play the actual skill. That is why I made the statement about new writers having a coach. For me there is something I love about the thought process of it all.
Thank you Jeff for your advice.
Thank you and I will definitely consider taking that route.