Introduce Yourself : Great view from here by Carl Plumer

Carl Plumer

Great view from here

Been climbing this mountain -- in my mind and metaphorically, of course -- for my whole life. I've just made the decision to set aside everything else I do to focus for the next couple of years on nothing but screenwriting. Looking to finish the first (of many) "final" drafts by end of April, if not sooner. Then out it goes for coverage, readings, and to a contest or two. My name is Carl S. Plumer and I've been a writer my whole life, now changing directions in midstream to pursue screenwriting fulltime (well, as full as possible with a day job and a family). If I can get some traction over the next 12 or so months, I'll head for LA (at least part of the year). I have published three novels and written three more, which I'll go back to eventually. If you're interested, you can see my bio & books on amazon. Looking forward to making new friends and learning from you all. Best of luck to everyone here on Stage 32. Oh, and if you want to connect, I'm more than happy to.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Best wishes on your screenplays. You are now part of the best creative fellowship since THE BARD had the gang over for mutton and Ale to talk shop.

Carl Plumer

Haha, thanks Steven. Interestingly, or not, the company I work for is called "Bard" out of County Cork, Ireland.

Izzibella Beau

Hi, Carl. I wish you the best of luck with all that you do.

Shawn Speake

Wow, what an introduction! That's what's up, Carl. Keep us posted on how you're doing. And if you ever have questions about S32, feel free to contact me. S32 is here for U :)

Jeff White

Welcome Carl :)

Tad Wojnicki

Carl, I think you're a lively writer but like most of us, maybe a bit given to self-victimization. The writing career, definitely, can be viewed as mountain-climbing. But let's not view it as a self-torture. If we do it, let's dig it! Writing is a labor of love, of vast vistas, of breath-taking clearings, and of endless self-perfection,,,, Well, it's path to heaven! See you at th top, buddy!

Richard "RB" Botto

Excellent and inspiring post, Carl! No half measures. Full speed ahead!

Carl Plumer

@RB, appreciate it!

Carl Plumer

@Tad, that is some wonderful positive energy you sent my way. I needed that! :)

Carl Plumer

Thanks, @Shawn! Thanks, @Jeff!

Anne Millbrooke

Yes, making the transition while working takes some juggling, not just time management as so many courses suggest. Stories need to stew, to simmer in thought. I find walking, riding my bike, and even reading good for reflection. Good luck!

Erik Grossman

THREE novels! I wish I had the writing discipline to do the same!!

Carl Plumer

Erik, you do and you can. :) The way I was able to do it was NaNoWriMo. Check it out.

Tom Stohlgren

Welcome! I still write novels and screenplays, largely because I can't write a novel without imagining it a blockbuster movie in my head!

Anne Millbrooke

Thank you, Tom. I am moving from non-fiction book writing to fiction and trying to write both a novel and screenplay of the same story at the same time. I have wondered if that is strange. I'm glad to see someone else sees the connection.

Carl Plumer

Hey, Tom, me too. And (if we are completely honest with ourselves), don't we all secretly wish for our novels to be turned into movies? I know I do. :D

Izzibella Beau

Carl, I'm happy to find another fellow NaNoWriMo writer. I love that bit of inspiration every November that makes me HAVE to write. The organization, the people, the atmosphere is so welcoming. I completed three of my novels over the past three years utilizing the NaNoWriMo 30 day challenge. I would have to agree with your last comment also, I believe most everyone that writes wants to see their words come to life on the big screen. BUT, that can only be done with hard work and dedication. We, ourselves, have to make it happen and seems we are one step closer by being here at Stage 32 and the professionals that are amongst us. You can't find a better group of people than the ones that are here.

Carl Plumer

Izzibella, yes without NaNo, I'd STILL be procrastinating haha :D BTW, the screenplay I'm working on is based on one of the novels I wrote during NaNo, so it just keeps on giving. ;)

Colin Guest

Hi Carl, How true it is that we would all like movies made from our novels. As for me, Voyage media thinks my memoir more suitable for a television series. Who knows, they just might be right!!!

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