Hello, everyone. I am Lisa Vandiver; Author, Co-Host on a BlogTalk Radio Show. I have been here for quite some time, but still have yet to show a completed screenplay. ;( It is much different than writing a novel. :) Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Lisa, I would suggest 2 books to give you a fast introduction to screenwriting - "How to write a movie in 21 days" by Viki King & "Save the cat" by Blake Snyder. Also, use screenwriting software. I use Final Draft.
Thank you, James. I do have Final Draft but will look at the books you recommended as well.
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Also, I take free online classes offered by International Screenwriters Association. Just took one about myths & archetypes. The hero's journey using "Star Wars" is a great example of that. There is a lot of good, current information about screenwriting online. Good luck.
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Both of those books are good. I have those, as well as "The screenwriter's bible". I have Final Draft (I won a copy from a log line contest), but I quit using Windows so I have been using Fade In, and Celtx. Another suggestion - Read all the screenplays that you can... from produced movies in the genre that you are writing for.
These are great ideas, thank you both. The genre I am wanting to do something with is Fantasy Horror. Jack, can I google screenplays or are there certain places to find the screenplays? I looked up Lord of Rings but could not find the original one, but just a fan created one.
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Screenwriter's Bible and Story (Robert McKee) are two great books to study. But the best advice is to just write. You can't edit a blank page. Spill the story out on the page, then go back and fix it.
I have gotten several. simplyscripts.com is one place, but I just found this link as a start. http://www.fempiror.com/otherscripts/LordoftheRings1-FOTR.pdf
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Awesome, thank you, Jack. Okay, Tracy, thank you for that advice, and I know you're right. I will just do it.:) I will dive in and go for it.:)