Probably not and the chances are you never will be, not in the customary sense at least. It’s just we’re conditioned to think that way, whether it’s in our lives or careers. How many times can you recall going on family vacations, all the while going, “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Only to find when we finally arrived, the eagerness in which we anticipated the trip at the beginning didn’t measure up to our original expectations or we were so overwhelmed we didn’t know where to begin. The same is true in our work, especially if what we do is creative in character. We’re inclined to put attachments or add-ons to the goals we set for ourselves. Setting goals are a wonderful thing, but goals shouldn’t be and are not a thing unto themselves. The tendency is to think by such and such an age or timeframe I should be at a specific stage in my career with specific accomplishments, or these are the things I should have... PLEASE SHARE IF YOU LIKE THIS BLOG #StephenSondheim #Gypsy #WestSideStory #BillyWilder #TheApartment #SomeLikeItHot #SunsetBlvd. #OprahWinfrey #OwnNetwork #RonGreenfield #AspectsofEntertainment - See more at: http://www.aspectsofentertainment.com/am-i-there-yet/#sthash.PaaUQOa4.dpuf