Screenwriting : What genre has the best chance of being sold in domestic and international pre-sale? by Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

What genre has the best chance of being sold in domestic and international pre-sale?

First of all consider it is a KILLER script. Great Story. Compelling Characters. Proper format. 90-120 pages. I ask because we all want to get our script to screen ASAP. Whether through option, outright sale or $$ raised from donations and investors to produce it independently. Any hard core research numbers or a link to an article would be great. Thank you.

Mark William Chambers

Worry about story. That's it.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Mark-That's what I thought. Thanks for the feedback.

Bill Costantini

There is a highly-regarded company named Film Specific that might be able to provide you with the type of data that you are seeking. It was founded by a veteran film sales agent and is a subscription-based membership website. I don't think it has a list of investors, if that's what you're seeking - film pre-sales is a relationship business.

Anthony Cawood

If you pick genre based on what's selling now, then you run the risk of the industry moving on whilst your try and write on in that genre. So my advice is write watever you are most passionate about... BUT to play devils advocate for a moment... very low budget Horror and Thrillers seem to sell consistently well in the indie world, so if you were trying to write something 'produceable' then those are two genres that seem perenially popular.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Cholent Boy- I subscribed to get their weekly newsletter. Thanks. Let me know a few weeks ahead of time when you will be in the Big Apple so I can feed you.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Anthony- Thanks for the advice. I just can't see writing Horror though. At my core I am a 63 year old native New York comedy screenwriter with my muses being Woody Allen, Mel Brooks, & Neil Simon . I do have some Sci-fi & animation scripts also. But Horror. Nah!!

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

I can write sci-fi.

William Martell

Usually Thriller or Horror - because they can be made inexpensively and the stories are visual (so they are understood everywhere). The thing about sci-fi is that it needs to be something which is about ideas rather than space ships - something that can be made inexpensively but still has an amazing idea at the core. Action also needs to be something affordable. You always want a script where the resulting film is worth much much more than it would cost to make. One of the realities of production budget is number of individual locations and number of speaking roles (plus removing crowd scenes)... but at the same time, having something that's exciting and has enough production value to interest jaded film buyers. Look at the movies for sale at film markets and pay attention to the ones which are not the big star driven films. Look for genres and subgenres that fit your sensibilities... then watch a few of them and pay attention to the production aspects.

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