Screenwriting : As Screenwriters we can change lives. by Jorge J Prieto

Jorge J Prieto

As Screenwriters we can change lives.

From today's content below, what keeps you ALL pursuing the dream to be screenwriters as presented in the content? I picked 5&6. It is my hope that in some way my stories will change lives, educate, touch, move, shine a light on social, behavior issues and yes entertain. Please share below after reading content. Hope this helps or impires at least one fellow screenwriter. That will make me very happy.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hi Jorge. :) Thanks for sharing. I read over the article... It's a great list of inspiring reasons to pursue screenwriting! But I had to laugh at myself because for me I zeroed in on #7 and #8—you choose your office and work hours! Not very noble or lofty, but hey, those two things are pretty awesome! Lol!

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Jorge: Those are great goals.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Great article. Very inspiring. But I think they meant writers are an uncommon breed, not uncommon bread.

Pierre Langenegger

Yeah, quite a few typos in that, Phillip. I always find it particularly bad when there are typos in an article about writing, but to get back to Jorge’s thread, I identify with more of those ten bullets than those that I don’t. For me, it’s 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

@Pierre I've been using the final draft read aloud tool for everything I write now. It definitely helps.

Pierre Langenegger

Yeah, certainly worth it during the polishing phase.

Bill Costantini

Glad to see Jorge back. I just tallied the new posts for April, and it looks like Jorge is still in the lead by 17 over Conrad for winning the grand prize that RB is offering to the person who starts the most April forum topics: a 2016 magnette black Mercedes Maybach 600. That's one fine writer's car, to be sure. I'd be starting topics, but I'm more of an anthracite blue car lover. Maybe next month on the anthracite blue Maybach, RB?

Phil Richards

From that list, I'd say #4 and #10 are big motivators for me. I have yet to see any of my scripts on the screen (I've recently sold two shorts, so I'm holding my breath that they both actually get produced and turn out well). There are two other factors for me: 1) someone once said that an artist doesn't produce art because he/she wants to, but because they have to. If I'm not engaged in some sort of creative endeavor, I get restless and cranky. I feel like I'm wasting time. My two telents seem to be in photography and writing. I'm not shooting these days, so writing is what keeps me busy. and 2) I'm a big fan of movie history, especially early movie history. I love to read about the people who built the movie business from scratch, who figured out how to tell stories with film and how to make it pay so that they could continue to make movies. My goal is to have my name appear in a book written about this era of movie history. Maybe just a line, but to have someone in the future see my name as someone who had a small part in that incredible business.

Richard Willett

5&6 spoke most to me, too. Thanks for posting this.

Jorge J Prieto

Thanks, fellow screenwriters! Beth, you are right. Choosing our own office space, from a park, to a beach is something only us writers can do. Billy Constantini, you are killing me with this big words. Lol. Anthracite? Wow! Thanks, Billy, we are all learning from each other. I love it!!! Btw: Even I, noticed the typos. Weird, because I never catch my own typos. So this is good folks. Thanks, RB!

Jorge J Prieto

Congrats, Phil, on your two shorts. Good luck.

Jorge J Prieto

Here's a quote from Nina Mason, I really like: "I write like I breath: without it, I would die. " Writing literally saved my life a long time ago. So, just for that, I'm grateful to God, for instilling it on me.

Phil Richards

Thanks, Jorge. A lot more work to do, but it feels good to feel like I've made a start.

Erik Grossman

This is a great find! 2, 7 and 8 for me :)

Conrad Ekeke

Great encouragement Jorge.

Rayna W.

This is great. I think all of those points apply to me!

Jorge J Prieto

Thanks, Conrad brother. Rayna, agree. Dan Max: Yes, in a novel the writer is the star, in a film, the story is the star.

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