Screenwriting :'s a nice piece about it you may enjoy watching. by Brian Walsh

Brian Walsh's a nice piece about it you may enjoy watching.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

One of the best videos I have seen in quite a while that shows how important great dialog needs to be to move the plot & characters of the film along. Highly recommended to any "Happy Writer" who wants to improve His or Her craft. Nicely done.

Brian Walsh

Thanks Steven. I think it's a good piece for any learning screenwriter to watch and think about. Dialogue when done right is amazing to see, but it's so difficult sometimes.

Nancy Golden

Thanks for sharing that, Brian - a very interesting piece that gives us much to think about...dialogue is certainly a challenging aspect of writing and knowing how to implement it well is critical to any work.

William Martell

Wait... what am I doing in there?

Linda Hullinger

Wow! Very helpful information. Thanks for posting. :-)

Stephen Barber

Good juju right here, Brian! Nice post.

Mark Mccoy

Great stuff.

Richard "RB" Botto

Great share, Bri.

Brian Walsh

Thanks...I'm glad people are finding it useful.

Doug Nelson

Brian, nice find and one I think all screenwriters can benefit from watching. One opinion I add is; that specific line of dialog must be spoken by that particular character at that specific point in the story.

Lora Covrett

Thanks for this!!

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