Filmmaking / Directing : Stunts by Carlos Hiciano

Carlos Hiciano


I'm looking for some advice concerning stunts. Does anyone know where I can find stunt coordinators/stunt actors? If certain stunts are written in the scripts would I still need a stunt choreographer? Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!

John O'Hara Additionally, you will need a special rider on your insurance policy to cover stunts. If animals are involved you will need additional rider and possibly ASPCA involvement. If stunts are near water you will need an additional rider for equipment.

Carlos Hiciano

Thanks so much John!

Amanda Toney

On a side note, you might enjoy this Stage 32 member article about stunts:

Dan Murphy

Contact and tell him I sent you. He can help you with any stunt needs. I do SPFX work with him as well.

Michele Seidman

When possible, use legit stunt men, with a track record and in a union. If you bring some random person who has no insurance and does not know their safety rigs, well...don't go there! Talk to a legit stunt guy and have him tell you if you need that level or if it is simple stuff. The liabilities alone, are not worth the risk when safety is a factor. I have seen rigs fall and a stunt mans leg crushed, seen electricians burned, and thankful I was there the night BEFORE, not the night that a blank/slug went in a person. Take your stunts, seriously. Lots of the stunt folks are SAG. Some will do modified/low budget agreements.

Allen Gandler

Most reputable stunt coordinators and stuntmen are SAG-AFTRA members. That should be your source. Are you using SAG actors? Do you have minors performing activity that you think might be interpreted as a stunt? If you have any doubts, which according to your post, you do, SAG seems like an appropriate source.

Royce Allen Dudley

If the film is SAG, so is the stunt coordinator. Anything at all requires one... even a swing punch and a miss, a trip over a rug and fall, and actually, muh of the time vehicles driven must be operated by stunt performers... motorcycles, skateboards, often cars that do no specific stunt. It's in the rules and required by insurance too.

Alejandro Reyes

I know two people and they're a power couple. Rachel Harrison and Tim Martin. I don't know if they're on Stage 32 but I can get you contact with them.

Alejandro Reyes

I know two people and they're a power couple. Rachel Harrison and Tim Martin I can put you in contact with them. They're the best in the business.

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