The entire production of this web series, including writing, direction, cinematography, art direction, CGI, animation, visual effects, sound design, costumes, casting, makeup, AND acting, was done by me, and me alone. My goal with this project is to show people what one person can accomplish with virtually no money... and that includes both marketing and promotion. So, if you can watch and share, you'd helping me out a lot, but you will also be showing people out there that if they work hard, they can do anything!
1 person likes this
Great job Tim. Very impressive. Excellent cinematography.
Thanks Mike!
1 person likes this
This is great!
1 person likes this
Tim that was great!! Congrats!!
Thank you all for watching!
1 person likes this
cool! The sound design is actual pretty awesome! :)
1 person likes this
haha!! Awesome!! Good for you, that's freakin cool!!
1 person likes this
really stellar work. I would love to work with you man
1 person likes this
This is great work !
1 person likes this
Super impressive, and pretty inspiring for self-produced content! Thanks for sharing your talent :)
1 person likes this
great work!
Thank you all for taking the time to check it out!
Throughly enjoyable! If I had the buck$, I'd totally give you the green light!
Excellent work all the way around. And very inspirational for us indie-folks.
I look forward to future installments.
Thats a great video Tim, its amazing what one can do with some creativity, I love filming and cam work, this is what I do, and yes I do them all alone, film most of my own stuff (with a little help from time to time) produce and edit.
Let me know what you think?
thanks for the connect, Tim! I've only watched part 1, but I'll watch the rest when I have more time...
1 person likes this
Good work, Tim
1 person likes this
Definitely kept my attention, nice work!
1 person likes this
Crazy dude.... "click here to watch part 2" .... I clicked .... "Video is not available" :D thanks. but seriously, good work.
dude! super impressive
Wow, that was awesome! I was thinking of making something by myself like this just to show what I can do sort of thing, but was struggling with ideas and budget limitations and you've totally re-inspired me to think even more outside the box. Thank you!
2 people like this
Really nice!
2 people like this
Hi @Tim. The link to your work seems no longer in this thread. Will try to access your personal page, although sometimes this option not available on Stage 32 on i phone.
2 people like this
Tim, very nice work. I love your detail to sound, very much.