Your Stage : A filmmaking journey in real time! by Adam Revesz

Adam Revesz

A filmmaking journey in real time!

Hello everyone I just wanted to spread the word about my new endeavor 'From Scratch to Screen: An indie film challenge to inspire, learn and create'. I've spent the last year setting up the website/blog, YouTube Channel and all the social media stuff. I've just launched! In a quick nutshell: it's a blog/vlog where I'm going to produce, write and direct an indie feature in real time. Followers can follow me and I'll show all the behind the scenes from outlining the script to sitting in on casting and creative meetings and of course behind the scenes in production and more- that's the vlog. The website/blog has lots of filmmaking resources like books I use, gear I prefer and other great blogs and websites to learn from. I'm hoping this inspires others to do the same and learn as I learn. It's not going to be easy as I have busy life (as do we all), so wanted to show those who are on the fence of plunging in and doing it themselves, that they CAN do it. Any and all support is very much appreciated. Let me know how I can support you back. You can see the YouTube Channel Trailer here: Please subscribe! Website is here:

Melissa Butler

Awesome idea Adam... I will be watching

Sadie Dean

This is really cool!

Adam Revesz

Thanks! I'm freaked out AND excited. Mostly about time commitment... oh and not failing:)

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