If a screenplay is registered with the USCO (or WGA for that matter), and modifications are made to it after registering, is it still protected? Partially? How does that work?
If a screenplay is registered with the USCO (or WGA for that matter), and modifications are made to it after registering, is it still protected? Partially? How does that work?
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As long as the core is the same It should be fine. If you make significant changes to plot, characters, names and title, i would re-register it. Forget the WGA. It offers you no real protection. Always use USCO.
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I agree with Marvin . My (2) scripts that are out there now are USCO. And if you as of yet have not done it. Really simple online $35. You will have a registration # right away and they mail you hard copy in a few months.
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Aray- Hear! Hear!
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The act of creation grants you copyright, what USCO gives you is proof.
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Definitely file with the USCO. I've filed before and it's very easy to do. You can copyright under a pseudonym if you wish to.