Introduce Yourself : Greetings from Hollywood by Sonny Dyon

Sonny Dyon

Greetings from Hollywood

Hey gang, Been on the site for a long time and probably did one of these when I first signed up, but so much has changed in that time I figured I'd do a refresh. I'm an award-winning Writer/Producer/Director and Actor. I moved to Hollywood about six months ago and I'm really trying to meet more hungry, creative and driven people out here. Here's what I bring to the table: -I write constantly, I've got 10 completed feature scripts and another 10+ in the pipeline. I've also got an animated series in development with A-List talent attached. -I've won several awards for my short films that I've made. I'm a very solid marketer (my day careers have been in sales and marketing). -I've got some in roads to financing, people that will take meetings if/when I have a project that fits their slates. -I've made a lot of contacts with name talent and become friends with some people that hold some sway in the industry. -I'm a hustler. I will be the first guy on set, last guy to leave. Nobody will work harder than me. What I'm looking for: -people that want to make movies, good movies, fun movies, watchable movies. -actors, writers, crew, producers, financiers, and fellow hustlers. I'd love to just meet up, talk projects, see if I can put a team together to get cracking on something. Love to hear from anyone out here in LA that's looking to really start moving. Big talkers need not apply. Thanks and best of luck to everyone chasing this dream!

Vivek Choudry

I would be down to meet up over lunch or so. Message me. Cheers.

Ernest Cox

Sonny, I would love to get control, that's what would be a nice take-over for me Sonny; control.

Ernest Cox

... control like that, sonny. I would like control like that.

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