Feel the accomplishment now that you have actually finished what you started. Get on Filmway and look for competition that offers meetings with industry insiders. Post your logline in InkTip.
Congratulations. Getting to the end is always a feat in itself. Now get it read professionally. Since it's your first screenplay the notes will be brutal, don't take it personally. It really does take several screenplays before you become good at it. It takes several years to become a good doctor, brain surgeon etc, screenwriting is no different.
Thank you everyone for the helpful comments! I'm taking them all into consideration, and will definelty seek professional eyes to look it over. Thanks again!
Writer's need a group of friends who are willing to read their work and give them feedback on it. So ask your friends if they would be willing to be your first readers for you. If they like it, then the next step would probably be screenplay contests.
I decided to turn my screenplays into comic books, and my group of friends has consistently been my most eager investors.
Send it in for a coverage report. Do a re-write. Go to a Screenwriting Networking Event. Oh and very important, GET IT COPYRIGHTED. I cannot stress this enough, do NOT show this script in front of another writer, producer or production company without copyright. WGA registry and the ISA Registry doesn't work. Get it copyrighted.
Enter it in a screenwriting competition? Preferably one which promises feedback on it so you know what they liked and disliked about it.
3 people like this
Write some more screenplays.
3 people like this
Feel the accomplishment now that you have actually finished what you started. Get on Filmway and look for competition that offers meetings with industry insiders. Post your logline in InkTip.
Congratulations. Getting to the end is always a feat in itself. Now get it read professionally. Since it's your first screenplay the notes will be brutal, don't take it personally. It really does take several screenplays before you become good at it. It takes several years to become a good doctor, brain surgeon etc, screenwriting is no different.
Thank you everyone for the helpful comments! I'm taking them all into consideration, and will definelty seek professional eyes to look it over. Thanks again!
Writer's need a group of friends who are willing to read their work and give them feedback on it. So ask your friends if they would be willing to be your first readers for you. If they like it, then the next step would probably be screenplay contests.
I decided to turn my screenplays into comic books, and my group of friends has consistently been my most eager investors.
1 person likes this
Send it in for a coverage report. Do a re-write. Go to a Screenwriting Networking Event. Oh and very important, GET IT COPYRIGHTED. I cannot stress this enough, do NOT show this script in front of another writer, producer or production company without copyright. WGA registry and the ISA Registry doesn't work. Get it copyrighted.