While writing, I'll have open the project I'm working on, youtube or music player (for ambiance), thesaurus/dictionary, a few good screenwriting technical sites and some good social screenwriting sites (like this one), possibly a good screenplay repository site for quick references to other works.
What are some of yours?
I have iTunes open - only to play scores while I write. Everything else, including wifi, off.
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Often, I have Stage32 open, Amazon Music (or YouTube, etc.), or the TV going - depending on the project. I have a Thesaurus/Dictionary app installed, as well as a half-dozen reference books on the desk, so that's about it. :D
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How do you find the time to write with all those apps and pages open? When I write, all that crap is closed and I just write.
I have to have background noise! Otherwise, I tend to overthink things and get caught-up in pointless details. Sometimes though, the music is a soundtrack which complements what I'm doing, and the TV is showing research stuff... or B-movies. :D
True intelligence operates in stillness and silence. When I'm not rocking a score, Silence is my go to!
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Guess I'm an idiot then Shawn! Lol. I have to have background noise when I write. I am usually on the couch with my laptop, dogs and kids and tv all creating a cacophony of sound.
I rarely have any other pages open on my computer when I write. Not even sure I see the point of the question, really.
Only You tube while writing.
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Pierre Langenegger I don't have them active in front of me all the time. But many times as I write and have the vision in my head of the scene I may get stuck on using the right word (ie. I know the word I want but can't remember it, but I can think of a synonym), so I flip over to the thesaurus. Other times I want to make sure I'm using it correctly so I refer to the dictionary. Sometimes the scene I see is complex so I want to make sure I use the right screenwriting techniques to put it down, so I'll bring up some websites that talk about how to do that or look for a script I know employed it so I can see how it looked on the page. The social stuff I have open in case I need a quick break and am feeling too lazy to go for a walk.
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Wow, you can work with all that going on, Chad? Lol! I distract way too easily. I need silence and singular focus. The only files/programs that I have open when writing are directly related to whatever I'm working on. I've even had to resort to using a timer or clock -- yup, a tactic often used with children. Lol! ...Whoops, speaking of which, I've already gone over my allocated time for S32. Back to the page. ;)
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Beth Fox Heisinger I have 4 kids that give me all the inspiration and interruptions I could ever need.
Chad: I listen to jazz on Accuradio.com. And if I doing research, Google, Wikipedia.org etc.
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Other tabs? Are you serious, Chad?
Any writer who has any other tabs open gets FIVE NIGHTS IN THE BOX!
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Thanks R B and Amanda for the welcoming.
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I have Celtx open web or iPad nothing else and a room of white boards and scrap paper. I am focused and don't need distractions. I'll fix stuff in other passes.
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I understand that, Chad. Half the time I write, I'm somewhere without wi-fi and that suits me but even when I have wi-fi access, I'll open a dictionary app if I need it and I'll search for formatting tips if I need them. I don't use a thesaurus for writing scripts and I never leave social media sites open. No music, no youtube, nothing else that can distract.
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Ray Bradbury had a room full of distractions or as he called it "inspiration". I have tabs open too but my process draws me into writing and before I know it, its hour(s) later. The process matters not, unless you're not writing or improving the story.
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I use ear plugs and concentrate on the story. That is it! No distractions. Other than Heavy Metal Yodeling MUSIC on occassion :)
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There's usually a three year-old in the vicinity. That's all the distraction I need.
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you tube, email, tweetdeck and/or pandora
YouTube, spotify, always listening to music, the best music for me is From piano players, to Hip hop to movie sounds tracks.