What movie you wish you wrote its screenplay? It can be any movie you think of, from classics to the latest release to epic blockbusters... Also, what would you've done differently?
What movie you wish you wrote its screenplay? It can be any movie you think of, from classics to the latest release to epic blockbusters... Also, what would you've done differently?
YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN!!!! Classic film with a ton of one-liners. That and GALAXY QUEST! Another movie I love to quote lines from. How about you, Victor?
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Thanks for answering this!:) For me, I thought of a few movies like the Matrix, Terminator 2(or any Terminator movie), the Hobbit, Mission Impossible(the newer movies), Troy, Hercules, even a Home Alone movie.. But these are just thoughts as I imagine just what an amazing writer you should be for this...I mean it's high-level filmmaking for high-level writing... You have to be an incredible writer with really good skills to write these movies and others like them... Way, waay above my head. Anyway, it's nice to imagine and dream, which is why I wrote this thread...:)
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Honestly, I wouldn't want to touch my favourite movies- they were written by better writers than me. What bothers me is the film "Warrior". It starts out so strong with a conflict that isn't easily resolved but then has an ending which cops out and ties things up in a nice little bow without even addressing half the issues it brought up. I'd rewrite the ending to address them all, and I wouldn't be afraid to give it a bitter ending.
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"Casablanca" - that line - "Here's looking at you, kid" - I melt every time Rick says it! And wouldn't change anything, it's just perfect.
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Casablanca for me too. Nearly every line is gold. A great, touching, funny, exciting story.
Really really wish I'd had anything to do with The Terminator cos the film has everything
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Repo Man
sunrise a tale of two songs
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Lion King
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Owen, thank you for asking me...:) I usually like movies that are of certain genres: Action, Science Fiction, Fantasy and Comedy. I think I write along these genres... Anyway, Troy was a famous movie some years ago when it was released, it had Brad Pitt, it had some awesome battle scenes.. The only thing I found sad was the way it ended, but the filmmakers had to respect and follow the original material it was based on( the Illiad), an in it, Achilles dies in the end...:( I personally am not too fond of movies where heroes die.. I am not a movie expert or critic, so I don't think I can comment on how good the movie was... It just fell within "my type" of movies ...:)
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I like films that have a soul and live on the screen. Obvious picks are Gone With the Wind, and Casablanca but also films like Mississippi Burning, The Shawshank Redemption, Out of Africa, The Exorcist... For all my complaining about the current state of screenwriting, there still are many that I admire (The Hurt Locker...)
Pulp Fiction.
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The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (although it'd mean I'd be dead by now).
Pulp Fiction
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Starring: Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall, James Earl Jones
It was a great movie, very unique, and Very successful.
It was unique (different) and that was why it was a great successful investment of all times.
It is worth watching again and again (comedy).
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lol! I saw that in the theater, Damola. (Twice!) :D
Thank you C. Harris for your reply. It was very funny and different. Glad you watched
'Coming to America' . However, Crocodile Dundee was funny too.
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I wish I had the intelligence and wit to write, "Broadcast News."
The Social Network.
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword.
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Arial Burnz , Thanks so much for your comments about that movie.
( coming to America ) . Appreciated !
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I agree with Kyle. I love those movies because of the artist's vision that created them. But if I wrote a sequel: The Chronicles of Riddick and the Omniverse.
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I don't think I have one, but I hope my favorites inspire me to write a favorite for someone else.
If I wrote my favorite movie, it would mean the real writer would not. I can't do that to another creative. I just sit back and enjoy their genius.
I hope your audition goes well, Nishela!
I would say what makes a movie successful comes with its uniqueness, something different and not like other movies.
And that comes with any project. Something different, entertaining and educational.
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I wrote a Dunkirk script 15 years ago and my agent wouldn't send it out because nobody wanted WWII stories. I shelved it as my passion project to revisit, moved onto other projects, and then Nolan beat me to the finish line. Good for him, but it does sting.
Nishela Sharen Sirimanne, Thanks for the compliment and have a great day.
Nishela Sharen Sirimanne, Since, you are an actress and making movies, you must be famous. At least, you are still doing something with your talents. More blessing to you.