I am a first-time screenwriter. I have no connections. But what I do have is a clever concept for a sitcom about the crazy world of online dating.
I managed to get the attention of a "superagent" in New York. She seems very enthusiastic about what she calls my "unique plot." She has expressed that the characters need more development and the dialogue needs more work. She has indicated that she doesn't want to submit it to producers until I have the help of an editor.
So, I am here looking for advice and help.
Bill Windsor -- bill@billwindsor.com
Hi William. I find it a bit odd that this "super agent" did not recommend an editor to you? A person(s) that she has worked with before? I would think a "super agent" would have an extensive rolodex of go-to people. ;) Anyway, you could post on the Jobs board: https://www.stage32.com/find-jobs. That's where members post various "want ads" or searches for creative partners, paid or not paid. I hope that helps! ;) Best to you!
She did recommend one. Should I go with that recommendation alone? By the way, the "superagent" was what she was dubbed in a Huffington Post article.
John, LOL, nice to hear you feel the same way I felt. But I started thinking that more than one view couldn't hurt.
Thanks, Johns. Hunter, you are quite the writer!
Have you spoken to a lit manager yet?
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Obviously, I don't know any of the individuals in this equation but... a few writers on SimplyScripts were contacted at the start of last year by a prod co claiming that they loved their script but it needed the help of an Editor to get it "production ready"... a little digging revealed it to be a scam with the Editor and prod co essentially being the same entity.
Sincerely hope this isn't similar...
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I have not spoken to a lit manager. The agent is a literary agent.
Thanks, Anthony. The Agent is very real. But I will be very cautious. I guess I shouldn't be surprised to find dishonesty and corruption in the film business. It's everywhere. That's another of my projects, Lawless America.
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Go back to the Super Agent, ask her to recommend a Writer on the Agency's roster to partner with on your sitcom. You have 0 TV experience but collaborate with known Writers,
Piggyback their resumes.
Use the Editor that was recommended. They are probably friends, worked together. Put $$ in their pockets and people will always take your call, emails, remember your name. Good luck.
Thanks, Dan. Excellent advice.
Sounds like you need more than an editor if the agent said you need better character development and better dialogue. Spend your time wisely making those characters more three-dimensional, with better unique traits/idiosyncracies/strengths/flaws, and crack the whip on some witty and memorable dialogues.
An editor won't do that for you - and especially not a mediocre one - but a really good editor can make some really good suggestions. And beware of the no-name editors...that should go without saying. But beware.
Make sure your story tone is consistent, too.
I believe there are, or were, a series or two about online dating on cable or new media outlets. You might want to check those out - they are your potential competition.
Good Luck and Happy Writing, Cowwwwwww-boy William!
RIP JIMMY PIERSALL (November 14, 1929 - June 3, 2017) YOU WILL BE MISSED
Thanks, everyone. Can anyone recommend what I might read on how to develop the characters of an ensemble cast in the 30-minute pilot? I have carefully-drawn character descriptions in my Treatment. But 30-minutes is gone in a flash. Maybe I should make it an hour show. LOL.
Just submit it elsewhere and don't worry too much about it. :)
Hello William... I am not an Editor, but I have had options on my work and would be willing to read it over and try to help you out. My website: www.ReynoldsTheWriter.com
My new friends, if those of you with agents would be kind enough to make an introduction for me, I assure you I will pay it forward many times over.
William, is this woman an agent for film or books?? because by suggesting you need an Editor, when it sounds like you need much more than that, tells me she's probably not a TV Agent. And the only superagents in film and TV in NY, are the ones that work in the NY offices of the major agencies here in LA. By suggesting you work with her editor, it does sound like she may have a deal with them - which is not a bad thing per se. i work with a number of reps in their clients material. But you need to know the facts and what shes actually going to do for you.