Screenwriting : FINALLY! The job I've been waiting for... by Ben Johnson Jr.

Ben Johnson Jr.

FINALLY! The job I've been waiting for...

In 2015 I took a massive leap of faith, resigned from my job as a Human Resources Manager and embarked on this awesome journey as a full time screenwriter. In the past two years I've developed, scripted, story lined, script edited and consulted on a number of local short films, features and television dramas, sitcoms and telenovelas. It's been a tough but rewarding journey filled with hard work, tears, countless sleepless nights and priceless lessons. Today all of that became worth it when I was offered my first head writing position for a 156 ep telenovela. I'm feeling incredibly blessed and grateful. So to those of you that feel like giving up or that the prize is too far away, in the immortal words of Dory, "Just keep swimmin...". At the end of the day Tenacity, Time and Talent will be rewarded.

Jeff Langham

Hey, congrats! Tears. That's what I'm missing, tears. Got it. Okay, now maybe my dreams will come true! Just kidding! I really like to hear when people see a goal and achieve it. I've done the same in my non-writing career.

Keep up the good work! I raise my glass of unsweet Iced Tea to you!

Jeffrey Walesa

Congratulations! Very inspiring and great to see your goals come to fruition!!

Maria Torrez- Ellsperman

Congrats! Good luck to you!

Babz Bitela, President

the journey is so often underrated and underestimated and yet it is, at it's core, the entire point so please ENJOY THE BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS. I applaud you all for your efforts. As they say in the south, "t'ain't ezay."

Chad Stroman


Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Ben: Rock on laddie!

Martina Cook

Congratulations! Also thanks for the words of encouragement, I'm on the verge of giving up but can't ignore Dory's words, so who knows I might give it one more day...

Ben Johnson Jr.

Thank you everyone, it's a bit surreal at the moment, well it was till I got an email from the executive producer this morning saying get ready to pitch story to all the investors and partners next week

Jeff Langham

That's outstanding Ben! Wishing you well on the pitch. Just try to remember to breathe. It's your story. Tell it like it is, like you see it. Relax and let it flow.

Linda Hullinger

Congratulations, Ben! Best of luck with it.

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