Hi I have been here for maybe a year now trying to link up with people but no look so far so I thought I would post here. I am a media/film composer willing to look at any project presented to me I am also willing to do free work on certain projects so if anyone would be interested message me and I can send on my email.
I have a youtube channel where I will be uploading some of my new tracks and also a soundcloud.
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Perhaps scrolling through the jobs, looking for people who need music? Staying engaged with the lounge discussions is way of building your network, too.
Agree with John Ellis. I looked at your profile and see you haven't engaged at all! Only 9 posts and 39 connections in a year. I don't see samples of your music either. Has to be some effort on your part.
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James I was active at the beginning but my university took over my spare time which of course was more important at the time. Also I dont know where to post my music so anytime I chat or connect with someone I link my youtube channel and also my soundcloud that has some of my pieces on there.
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I can tell you from 10+ years experience, contacts and relationships are everything. You can post all media in your profile.
May want to look into LinkedIn and FB groups to post - engage with other like-minded individuals, also.
I quit FB once I joined here. Waste of time in my experience. Get so much more from the Lounge discussions here. More serious minded people in my honest opinion.
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Welcome Dean :-)