Update to this post: They did away with the cards. Hey fellow Stagers!
Have you heard about New Mexico's new Film Residency cards? They came up with them to expedite the hiring process for full-time local talent and crew in the state. Rather than having to bring your driver's license, ss card, or passport/passport card, you can just bring this one card with all the info on it already and it is a legally acceptable document. (I think that is the gist of it - though feel free to fact-check me on that.)
(Copied from an email from NMfilm.com:
What you need to know:
Taxation and Revenue Department, Audit & Compliance Division (TRD-ACD) is implementing a Film Residency Certification Card for New Mexico (NM) full-time residents to present to a production company when seeking employment. Having this card will replace the need to bring your DOR information and paperwork to set at the start of each job.
Any other New Mexico peeps excited about this?