Introduce Yourself : Introductions by David Moreno

David Moreno


Having grown up in the Midwest, I had always wanted to leave the comforting, yet isolated lifestyle as I looked to go West; to Los Angeles. Since childhood, I knew I wanted to make films from the moment I could recall the first film I remember ever watching (The Lion King). I would write ideas down, ranging from the ridiculous to the impossible, but that's when my mind was at its most creative. Once I entered college, I was finally able to bring my ideas and creativity to life. Now being a college graduate, I want to continue making films as a director and continue to demonstrate my talent and perfecting it.

Charles Rathert

Welcome David and good sailing.

Julianna Watson

Hi David! Nice to meet you :)

Mark Laing

Good to connect David.

Natalie Farst

Welcome to our "little" family David!!!!

Deanna Harvey

Hi David. Fellow midwesterner here!

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