Member Since:
January 2015
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> 2 weeks ago
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About Deanna

Hello! I am a screenwriter and aspiring director. I will soon start filming on my first short, titled The Penn.

I've been writing screenplays for 20+ years, though I've never done anything with them up til now. Fear and doubt, not to mention no support system, has always kept me from showing my work.

With a newfound self confidence, and the support of great friends, I'm taking the plunge. My career means more to me and is worth the effort.

I'm interested in learning and growing as a writer, and making connections with people to talk with.



Unique traits: Witty, Sarcastic, Creative and Chaotic




  • Bitten

    Bitten Budget: $100K - $1M | Thriller Fantasy The sun is getting hotter and killing vampires at an alarming rate. The vampire leader must find a way to save them, while also dealing with a werewolf threat.

  • The Hole

    The Hole Budget: $100K - $1M | Horror A father-to-be and his film school buddies travel to one of the 10 creepiest places in America where the mob dumps bodies to film a documentary. Once there, they come up against a resident with a deadly secret that he will kill to protect. 

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