Anything Goes : FILM EXPO SOUTH - We’re up for an award!! by Gillian Tully

Gillian Tully

FILM EXPO SOUTH - We’re up for an award!!

No, it’s not an Emmy, a BAFTA or an Oscar but IT IS an AWARD for my efforts in the filmmaking world – and Boy, do we WANT IT!!!

Please help us raise awareness of FILM EXPO SOUTH, our Sponsors and build more opportunities for filmmakers.


To help us win this award, we are calling on all filmmakers to collaborate with us.

Help us to Make Movie Magic.

Without collaboration, film would not happen, so please help us Make It Happen…..


Click on the link:

Scroll Down to Customer Service

Click on the tick by Gillian Tully then Scroll Down and submit your Vote.

You will then need to insert your name and email, Check email to verify your vote.

For all the people who nominated me – THANK YOU and to @Wightlink the Sponsors, THANK YOU for accepting me as one of the contenders for the category in the Customer Service Award, for going above and beyond!!

We will be updating our website shortly with news of our next event Autumn 2018.

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