Hey guys very nice to meet you all. My name is Jorge Rivas but you guys can call me "JR" for short. I have been acting for a few years now and I am very proud and blessed to be able to continue working in my city of Boston MA. I have been working as an actor part time currently but hope that one day I can make this my full time job. Very excited to be able to interact with everyone and just be able to motivate my fellow friends and community to continue to work for what your dream for. Reach for the stars and one day the stars will reach right back but until then keep working on it and make things happen as will I and i will see everyone either on set or on the big screen.
"Goals on the road to achievement cannot be achieved without discipline and consistency." - Denzel Washington
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I'm from Boston too, and also in sort of the same situation. Good luck to you!!
Thanks Leah, you as well.
The pleasure is all mines Aray. Thank you for reaching out.