Member Since:
July 2012
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> 2 weeks ago
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About Jorge

Welcome to my profile. My name is Jorge Rivas but you can call me "JR" for short. I've been an Actor for about 4 yrs and unfortunately working on my craft part time. I have done several indie films and productions as well as commercial and I'm very proud of all that I do. It was a wise man who once said
"If you are not making mistakes, you are not trying hard enough." - Vince Lombardi.

I've been privileged and fortunate enough to find work that in film and TV and I am so thankful to continue to work in Film and TV. Would love to make friends and connections in this field so that we as a community can continue to help one another make it where we would like to me in out careers.

"Goals on the road to achievement cannot be achieved without discipline and consistency." - Denzel Washington

I want to continue to wish everyone the best of luck or "Break a Leg" in any upcoming ventures and projects and I will see everyone on the big screen.




  • Sexual Misfortunes

    Sexual Misfortunes (2018)
    Film (Short and Romance) Actor Add a Plot »

  • O' Bloody Night

    O' Bloody Night (2018)
    Film Actor

  • The Streets Run Red

    The Streets Run Red (2017)
    Film (Horror) Actor Add a Plot »

  • 24/7 Sunset Strip

    24/7 Sunset Strip (2017)
    TV Series Actor

  • Are You Coming or What?

    Are You Coming or What? (2016)
    Film (Short, Comedy and Romance) Actor Add a Plot »

  • Family Problems

    Family Problems (2015 - 2016)
    Television (Drama) Actor A family secretly buries a body in the woods and tries to live their life. However, dark secrets from the past arise and their plan of living a normal life soon becomes impossible.

  • A Life Not to Follow

    A Life Not to Follow (2015)
    Film (Crime, Drama and Thriller) Actor A Neo-Noir film told in three interlacing chapters: Eric is a dead man and he knows it. Death is imminent and he must make amends for his past sins, by killing those who wronged him, no matter the price: A wiseguy willing to do anything to move up in the world must now make the ultimate sacrifice. He must kill his best friend or in turn be killed: An F.B.I.agent turned P.I. is on the trail of a missing girl. In his long search for her he comes face to face with a host of unsavory characters who will lead him to perdition or salvation. Written by Jack Lee

  • Gay Jesus

    Gay Jesus (2015)
    Film (Short, Comedy, Drama, History and 2 More) Actor Once upon a time in a cheap Jerusalem hotel room, Jesus and Judas are spending their time away from Nazareth between hot, sweaty, carnal love and preparing sermons for Jesus' growing fanbase. Enter Mary Magdalene, jealousy, Satan, and the Romans, and the once-perfect love affair between Judas and Jesus becomes a hellish ring of fire, leading Judas to betray his beloved Christ and the Romans to punish everyone for trying to turn everyone gay.

  • The Ungovernable Force

    The Ungovernable Force (2015)
    Film (Action, Adventure, Comedy, Horror and 2 More) Actor Add a Plot »

  • The Shadows

    The Shadows (2013)
    Film (Action, Drama and Fantasy) Actor This student production was produced, shot, and edited by Alexi Reibman. The script was written by Jessie Alperin and Tayler Stander. There have always been two sides in our world; the light and the dark. Our world has been slowly changing and transforming, but one thing has always stayed the same; Our land and our people have been split into two. One with light, while the other remains in the darkness. The founders, the people who made our world this way, created a box and called it the source. It contains all the power. Whichever side has the source, owns the power, whilst the other side remains without it - living in the shadows. Written by Anonymous

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