I feel betrayed by the DNC. I voted Bernie, wonder what my fellow democrats think or feel. - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/brazile-hillary-rigged-dnc-again...
I feel betrayed by the DNC. I voted Bernie, wonder what my fellow democrats think or feel. - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/brazile-hillary-rigged-dnc-again...
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I think Donna is killing any chance of a Clinton run in 2020 and cleaning house for someone new to step forward. My 2 cents.
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Hilarious SNL agrees with you Jake https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=187&v=CBUxNeXgC70
Brazile has walked her statement back saying it was not "rigged," but rather there was a "cancer"--as said on Morning Joe. She said her choice of word may not have been the best fit. She now wants to contribute to the "healing" of the Democratic Party--as said in her interview on AM Joy. ;)
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And I agree, let's move forward! Happy about recent wins in Virginia and New Jersey! :)
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Before moving forward, we want to be confident the election isn't going to be stolen again like what happened to Bernie. I've met enraged Bernie supporters and read a lot of them voted for Trump. Thought the DNC rigging was all BS until it wasn't. SNL was right on we need to get rid of the dinosaurs and find new leaders that can inspire us all. We've had 2 Bushes and I don't think we need 2 Clintons out of 320 million Americans? We're supposed to be a democracy not a dynasty.
The DNC did him wrong!
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Speaking of "stolen"... the Russian attack on our democracy! Looking forward to possible indictments within the current administration. The 2016 election... well, it's questionable, with good reason. Plus the lack of appropriate response and appropriate action from the GOP.... well, I've signed every petition. And, we are moving forward at the grassroots level -- again, recent wins! DNC is making changes -- from the bottom and up. There are a ton of new people, new leaders running for office, especially women! It's incredible! Old and new leaders. Look beyond headlines and rhetoric. Look locally. Support locally. It's far more complex. ;)
To add: I think Brazile should stay out, go away. She's now back peddling and back peddling and back peddling... having caused much damage herself with her poor choice of words and rhetoric. Words matter. And using a loaded one like "rigged" is unfortunate. Although I'm sure her use of hyperbole has sold many many of her books. And to just think that the removal of long-standing Democrats is "the answer" is rather shortsighted. You gotta take into account the influence and support those members wield. Confront mistakes, fix issues, remove toxic people, change DNC policies, rebuild the party from the ground up (what's currently happening), get new people across the playing field (we're seeing that happen with recent wins), and then wield that long-standing influence behind new voices on the presidential ticket in 2020, voices like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Chris Murphy, etc. That would be something! Anyway, what also contributed to what happened in 2016 was voter apathy. We gotta get involved. Complaining is not enough. I'm blown away by the number of new people running for office. ;)
They only decided to make Russia a political issue this time. Actually, election meddling by a foreign power has been the norm. CIA has interfered in no less than 50 foreign elections(el salvador, france, dr congo etc). And I do believe John Kerry won in 2004. Whoever wins Goldman Sachs wins.
I am glad that this is been aired and dealt with now. It's out there anyway and that's what a lot of people believe that it was rigged and stolen from Bernie. Though I think Donna did it to save her own skin and get out ahead. She's no better herself - First, she gave question to Hillary, then got caught, denied it, then admitted it in face of the evidence. Ken, you're right wall st is behind both parties. We have a one party system.
I'd love to see a woman president soon but not Hillary. Did anyone she Hillary's birthday tweet? She hinted at another run! https://twitter.com/hillaryclinton/status/791263939015376902?lang=en
What Russia did (and will do again, certainly with this Administration) is way beyond any other meddling or election interference in history. Ever. This was an attack. Again, looking forward to charges being brought. And hopefully a removal from office.
CIA assassination of Patrice Lumumba, overthrow of Salvador Allende, numerous attempts on Castro, Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam, Murder of at least half million Iraqis based on a lie for oil, I could go on.
Ken, talking about U.S. Presidental elections....
And I'm not going to get into an argument or debate.
They were presidents and we did kill Saddam president of Iraq based on a lie. Why should this be an argument? If I said anything incorrect I wouldn't mind at all if you corrected me. I wouldn't be offended by facts.
I think Beth brought the issue of Russia hacking our elections, and Ken brought the issue that we hack elections around the world also and even assassinations. Now lets get back to the Dems. I wold vote for Tulsi Gabbard.
Ken, I'm not wishing to nor will I delve into different areas, factual or not factual. ;)
Me, I like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker... I think there are many great possible candidates for President in 2020. I'm hoping not Biden, not Bernie (sorry), not Hillary. I think some of these people are more effective right where they are. I would like to see someone that seems like a fresh start. I feel we were robbed of history, that people were duped, that there was "cheating" involved. I think we need to get the right person in office, and build an effective Congress. ;)
Trust me on this -- someone will write a script based on Brazile, Cinton, Podesta, et al
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Man, I hope not! Lol!
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Honestly, we need another revolution because unless we get money out of politics we'll continue to have the same policies regardless who's in the WH. Both parties left and right have been bought and paid for by wall st, bring back Glass–Steagall and break up the banks. Follow the money. Campaign finance reform.
Agree! Special interest groups cause problems. There's corruption, etc. Again, looking forward to charges being brought. People being exposed. People having to step down for ethical reasons. People going to jail. Lots of talk of reform. Hopefully things will change. We must demand it. ;)
Agree. But that would mean just about everyone in Congress would go to jail. When I read the law of the land, which is the Constitution, they've broken it too many to count. And since when did everyone start believing we're a democracy? We are actually a constitutional representative republic. There's a major difference.
That's not what I meant, nor do I agree with that overall blanket notion. I was implying the current Mueller investigation about bringing charges and possible jail time. Sorry, not clear on my part. Anyway, I feel quite different. I'm optimistic about future possibilities. We gotta win back seats. We gotta keep winning at the grassroots level. I'm hopeful. :)
No need to apologize Beth, I know what you meant. Believe me I understand where u r coming from...don't take this the wrong way, but have you read the Constitution?
So you do agree Congress and president should go to jail as per constitution 'no one is above the law'. Since you've read it there's no need spell out the reasons. Excellent!
What is the difference between democracy and a republic?
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Democracy = Mob Rule (51% can tell the other 49% how to live) Republic = Rule by Law (individual has inalienable rights cannot be taken by majority or in our case the founders made it very, very difficult). For example: in a democracy say if 51% found your speech 'offensive' they can vote to take it away even if you haven't actually done anything. UK is a democracy where I now reside, you have to watch what you say - God Bless America!
Enough. It is about The Work.
Whoops, sorry, I'm on my phone and accidentally deleted my last comment. :/
Jake, I do not need things "spelled out" nor leaps nor assumptions, thanks. All Congress? ...Anyhoo, as I said I'm not going to get into a debate or "whataboutisms."
Getting back to the thread topic... saw another headline about Brazile back peddling.... hopefully, she'll soon be out of the news. Nonetheless, I think Democrats will have to be as objective as they can, take a hard look at everything that happened with Bernie, with Hillary... DNC Chair, Tom Perez, and Deputy Chair, Keith Ellison have a lot of work to do and a lot to prove. But... I just looked over a long list of new candidates for governor—36 seats are up election next year and 8 new Dem women are running so far! Grassroots, baby! And I agree, Talece. It is about The Work. :)
And, again, sorry, but I do have to leave this discussion. Best to you all! Cheers!
Congress allows a 'Kill List' / Mass Surveillance..but 'Anyhoo'....getting back to Donna and Hillary they deserve each other.
Sorry, my last comment... For Christine... I thought you might find this inspiring/interesting, Christine... A 24-year-old (now 25) woman, Anna Langthorn, ran and won the State Democratic Party Chair Seat in Oklahoma, a predominately red, conservative state. She's the youngest person ever to have done so. And she's already turned 3 district seats from red to blue and almost turned a 4th—something not previously considered a possibility. I'd say after everything, Democrats are feeling new energy. :) Cheers, again!
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Good choice Christine. Tulsi Gabbard would make a great POTUS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKV1sTw8zOc
Brave lady. I would vote for her.