Introduce Yourself : Happy Weekend! by Athena WiseNrich

Athena WiseNrich

Happy Weekend!

I'm Athena, also known as the Goddess of All She Surveys. Ok, maybe that's only from my perspective.

I am delightfully positive about the process of weaving dreams; as an artist, I create the backgrounds for daily posts on social media and write the Affinitive Thought of the Day in calligraphy. I also post my original photos, sometimes digitally manipulated. As an author, I contribute the Success Quest blog on Stage 32 and I'm currently writing a karmic reincarnation novel, spanning over 500 years of human oppression. As a Fire sign (I'm a 12th house Leo) I have many ideas and I can successfully focus on a number of projects at once.

Reach out if you're looking for a positive reminder that where you are right now is perfect...

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