Affinitive Card of the Day 9 of Diamonds Achievement Just when you think you can't go forward, you'll pause...turn around. Take a moment to see where you've been and how far you've come. Recognize the abundance in your current reality and know that you've never been THIS good before. You really can do anything!
Affinitive card of the day: 8 of Spades Recovery Think you've blown the conversation, the situation, the plan? Think it's all over and the next sound is crash (with or without burn)? Relax. Every life has it's "bottom dropped out" moments; you CAN recover your equilibrium and continue the journey. Granted, it may look different than you intended, but's all part of an interesting life! And who wants to live a dull one? A~
Affinitive Card of the Day: Ace of Spades Imagine~ Unlock the boundaries on your brain and allow your thoughts to run free! There's evidence that taking regular time to "day dream" supports successful Dream Weaving on the Loom of Reality! Imagine...anything. What do you want to achieve? What do you want to manifest? What do you want to learn? THIS is the day to do it!