I write hard sci fi screenplays. That doesn't mean they are hard to understand. It means they are based on real science. Believe me, real science is far more weird and deep than any made up science. Why am I on a mission you are probably not asking because you don't give a hoot :-) I am passionate about changing the way scientists are portrayed in the movies and TV. We are either weird, have no social skills, or evil, or all three. We are also portrayed as invariably white males, who can't dress worth a damn, and have the sex appeal of a vegetable. Maybe that is why girls like my daughter don't want to grow up to be scientists, and most women don't even want to date one. My mission is to change all that by writing about scientists as real characters with actual personalities that are the leads in my stories. My first screenplay was a short comedy sci fi about a science team going back in time to rescue Jesus from the cross. I am working on my second screenplay and it is about why we exist, and WTF we are doing here. Alas, I may not have much time to write it.
That's great! I am a huge hard sci fi fan! I also think Neil Tyson Degrasse and would love to clone Shinya Yamanaka's brain! I don't think I'm alone in this. I think a lot of women find scientists sexy, as evidenced by the fact that you have a daughter! Hahaa! I am curious, however; why may you not have much time to write it?
Sounds great! Personally the few times I start looking into scientific things they can seem very exciting - particularly through the eyes of Gregg Braden, for example.
You say you may not have much time - a health issue? Good luck if so.