Introduce Yourself : Greetings! by Brian Burns Beardsley

Brian Burns Beardsley


This looks like a fun place to meet like minded filmmakers. I've been spending the last few years mainly working in visual effects for children's TV shows which has been really fun. Previously, I was more in the Horror and Action genres in the VFX world along with a little musical scoring. I have a few features scored under my belt in those genres. I just love the world of post production. VFX, scoring and editing. I dream of working more in Sci-Fi and Fantasy genres, but I'm open to anything.

Mary Helen Norris

Welcome to the site!

Pat Savage

Welcome, Brian! Happy networking!

Brian Burns Beardsley

Thank you!

James Drago

The best platform period. Screw Facesmash.

Peter Roach

Jump on board !

Cindi Maciolek

Hi Brian! Nice to meet you!

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