Introduce Yourself : John Tupper by John F Tupper

John F Tupper

John Tupper

Hey everyone. It's been a while since I 'introduced' myself. I've been an independent computer animation artist and screenwriter here in Silicon Valley since about 1999. It has its ups and downs. Income is never steady, but projects are all my own, .... and the client's too, obviously. It's been a fun week. On Monday I found out my screenplay, "Spirit of the Rain," an animated feature set in the rainforest, made the 2018 "Hot 100 List" of the Capital Fund Screenplay Contest, and today I received my two Telly Award 'paper weights.' Who knows if any of this leads anywhere, but it's fun to show off, and keeps my spirits up for doing more creative work. Hope you all have the successes that inspire you to greater heights. - John Tupper

James Drago

Hi John! Nice awards!

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