Introduce Yourself : New to town - well sort of by Stephen Joubert

Stephen Joubert

New to town - well sort of

Hello everyone, I grew up just North of L.A. and I worked in film when I lived here 25 years ago. I just moved back last week and I am prepping a my return with a short film that I expect to shoot in the first half of 2019. I'd like to get to know you all.  -Steve

Vikki Flawith

Hi Stephen... what's your film about?

Stephanie T. Keefer

Hey, Stephen! All the best on your project.

Stephen Joubert

Hi Vikki - The film explores what it takes for a #MeToo perpetrator for find forgiveness and regain trust,..if they even can...or should be be forgiven.

Roy Nowlin

Welcome back Stephen

Vikki Flawith

That sounds like an interesting film Stephen! Very timely.

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