Introduce Yourself : David O'Brien by David O'Brien

David O'Brien

David O'Brien

I'm a writer director and actor based in Sydney, Australia, I taught writing for the screen at community colleges and universities but quit to write six one-hour dramas likely to hit the zeitgeist.

It is about four men facing rage in an era of 'Me Too' and redefining the rules and conditioning of gender. It's an anti-violence piece about violence and toxic masculinity but is not a polemic and doesn't take sides (not that there should be sides to take).

The project began several years ago as a play about the impact of the one-punch on an urban family. and got a professional rehearsed reading before an audience of eighty. The silence at the end of the read turned into a two-hour debate that convinced me to develop it as a screenplay. Then along came streaming and the rise in popularity of long-form storytelling which persuaded me to create a first draft of a television.streaming seres about four ordinary Australian men confronting their violence and that of others.

Six hours have given the chance to explore character and story in greater depth. I'm confident I have a hit in my hands. I've done little to pursue a producer because I wanted to explore theme, stories and characters to pitch-perfect.

We've shot test scenes and promotional material with a DSLR. Continuity and sound could be better but they allow us to explore tone and texture to give actors lines that resonate. You can find it and other materials on our facebook page under the heading A BLOW TO THE HEAD. I'm cautiously keen to connect with a production house that understands this sensitive and controversial material.

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