Anything Goes : Quotes by Tim Dutton

Tim Dutton


I like to come up with original and personal quotes, some will make you think, some will make you laugh, I hope. Some may just make you think, what’s that idiot on, but either way I hope some of you are entertained. Be warned I’m a country boy and it shows. Here’s one of my favorites.

Life is like a raging bull, furious and mean. You can bitch, moan and whine about how ugly it is, from the other side of the fence. But as soon as you step into the pen, you better be prepared to take action. Sometimes all you can do is grab the bull by the horns and be tossed and thrown. Bloodied and bruised. At the end of of times, are you going to say I watched so many people be torn apart by that big brute or are you going to say, I rode that son of a bitch into the ground? Grab the bull by the horns, son and don't let go until you wear it out.

Doug Nelson

Ever' now an' again, you come upon some critter what occasionally needs a good killin'; and you is one of 'em.

Strong like bull, gentle like bunny - that's one of my character descriptions, I'm not sure it's one of my own or I lifted it from somewhere.

Nate Miller

"You can't start your next adventure until you finish the one you're on." I use this with my kids when we are ending a vacation.

William Gunn

As my Old Dad used to say, "You can polish a turd 'til it's nice and shiny, but at the end of the day it's still a turd."

William Gunn

Or, "If at first you don't succeed try, try again--then quit, no use being a damnfool about it." - W.C. Fields

William Gunn

"I drank WHAT???" - Socrates

Doug Nelson

The only thing real about Hollywood is that it's a genuine illusion.

Debbie Croysdale

Hey @Tim Like your take on the raging bull. You are right its easier to be an armchair critic, and keep out of the shit, but a whole new confidence stems from surviving it.

William Gunn

See the Robert Mitchum Quote on my Profile Page. Harlan Ellison liked it.

Tim Dutton

Debbie Croysdale , yes ma’am.

William Gunn , like that, thanks for connecting.

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