Wrote this post for people who are new to editing who might be feeling overwhelmed by a project and how to work through that: https://blog.kitsplit.com/how-to-edit-video-managing-the-existential-dre...
Wrote this post for people who are new to editing who might be feeling overwhelmed by a project and how to work through that: https://blog.kitsplit.com/how-to-edit-video-managing-the-existential-dre...
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Thanks for share @Shaun. Love your expression “Existential Dread”. LOL I will add another phrase I invented my first time Editing, “Cut off time Psychosis.”
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@Sean Apologise my i phone has a spell check that puts in own spellings so just seen ur name wrong on post above.
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Editing is tedious. but when it comes together, there is nothing like it.
I have edited my entire Christian film in final cut pro now I am having a major problem exporting the film in an impeg 2 so that I can burn it on dvd to be able to show it in a theater...I'm about to pull my eyebrows out can you help me pleaseeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!